Chapater 26.5 - Origins of a Phantom

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Hey guys, this is just an origin story of the student with the Ghost quirk from Shiketsu High I wanted to give him a cool backstory! So it's not an essential read but I hope you like it anyway :)

Phantom loved his parents deeply. Their marriage was a source of joy, as they shared a genuine and unwavering love for one another, the kind of love you see in fairytales. They exerted every effort to nurture and strengthen their relationship. Welcoming their precious baby boy into their lives only deepened their bond. Phantom was showered with love and care by his doting parents, who dedicated themselves to ensuring he had the finest life imaginable. They wholeheartedly embraced his dreams, pledging their support. Whenever his friends visited, Phantom's mother delighted them with freshly baked cookies, and her delectable dinners forever remain a cherished childhood memory.

Meanwhile, his father had a memorable passion for cars. In the nostalgic corners of Phantom's mind, he held fond memories of his dad tinkering away in the garage, meticulously restoring antique cars and breathing new life into them. If they had the space, he would have become a collector, but his father very much enjoyed the act of repairing and selling these vehicles to fellow car enthusiasts who shared his profound appreciation. Though cars didn't captivate Phantom's own imagination in a world teeming with superheroes and villains, he recognized the significance of his father's hobby. Respectfully, he immersed himself in learning about automobiles, understanding that it was a realm of passion for his dad. This shared interest forged a unique and precious bond between them. Although Phantom was rather young back then. The fond memories of his parents remained etched vividly in his mind, unyielding to the passage of time, he refused to let them slip away.

Sadly, Phantoms last memory of his parents was a tragic one that left an indelible mark on his life. At the tender age of five, he was riding in the car with his parents, returning home from a visit to a friend's house. Little did they know that they would become victims of a heinous villain attack.

The malevolent actions of the villain caused a devastating collision, leading to the untimely demise of both his parents. It was on that fateful day that his quirk manifested, transforming him into a ghostly being and sparing him from the fatal impact.

As the car crumpled and chaos ensued, Phantom found himself unharmed, the sole survivor of the tragedy. However, what followed next would forever haunt him. Through the ethereal lens of his spectral form, Phantom bore witness to an astonishing sight. His grieving heart sank as he watched his parents' spirits rise from their lifeless bodies, ascending into the heavens in a mesmerizing astral projection. They slipped away from the mortal realm, forever beyond his reach.

In the aftermath of this heart-wrenching event, Phantom's grandmother embraced the role as his guardian, taking him into her loving care. She became his guiding light, and support during the darkest years of his life. As Phantom grew older, an intense passion ignited within him—a passion fueled by an unwavering hatred for villains. He vowed to channel his pain into a purpose, dedicating his life to training and honing his abilities to become a professional hero. Motivated by the tragic loss of his parents, he wanted to ensure nothing like this ever happened to another child again

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