Chapter 5 - Getting Closer

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(Hey everyone! the first half is all story based i'll make a note if you want to pass on the Hero story and skip to romantic plot!)

Chapter 5:

Aizawa had taken me to a small office & asked me to sit down. I was a nervous-wreck. Maybe this was about me switching partners with Bakugou? But then why wouldn't he be here too?

"I need to talk to you about your Hero Study offers, one particular offer in fact."

I was eager to hear more.

"Interstellar." he paused.

"She works for an incredibly important Hero Agency however there are some things you need to know if you were to take on your study here."

"Okay.." I replied, kind of confused.

"Interstellar is a hero who works alongside the Public Security Intelligence Agency, essentially it is somewhat similar to the FBI & CIA."

I waited for him to say more.

"Doing your study here would mean working with hero's that perform undercover work. You would only be allowed to discuss certain things you have learned here & will have to sign an NDA."

I didn't know what to say. I was dumbfounded.

"A lot of what you will learn here, will have to remain a secret, you cannot discuss it with your class." He uttered in a serious tone.

I started to feel a little scared.

"I understand that this is a lot. However, I have worked for this agency a couple times in the past. They are great hero's, I can see why they picked you and I highly recommend that you go here."

I paused for a moment debating what to say, naturally I couldn't help but ask.

"Sensei, who is Interstellar? I've never heard of them before." I said curiously.

"Interstellar is an undercover hero. She works at the Multi Realm Operations Network (M-RON). Her quirk is very powerful. A lot of the hero's who work here have strong, but unusual quirks. They are not well known hero's, their names are kept off grid and completely out of the ranking system for many reasons. However, I do believe that if she wasn't, Interstellar would rank within the Top 5."

"Woah.." I gasped. But why would she want someone like me?

"This is an amazing opportunity and I really do hope you consider it. Have a think about it."

We left the little office and walked our way back to class in silence. I kept thinking about what Sensei had told me over and over, it was all so intriguing yet scary at the same time. We reached homeroom and the entire class fell silent once we entered, I took my seat trying to avoid eye-contact with everyone.

"What was that about?" Mina said in a low whisper, nudging me.

"Ohh, my mum forgotten to hand in my permission slip for the Hero Study but it's all sorted now haha!" I shocked myself over how quickly I slipped out such a lie. I felt bad for lying but understood Aizawa was being deadly serious. I couldn't quite tell her that basically the FBI was trying to get in touch with me could I!?

"Ohhh! That makes sense."

(Romantic Plot start here🥰)

Not too long after, my day at school had come to an end. I walked to the park with Mina like we always did, split our seperate ways and continued home.

"Hey Extra" A deep shout came from behind.

I turned around to see Bakugou catching up to me. Oh god no, why? What did I do for the Universe to turn against me like this? And why the hell was he shouting and trying to catch up to me? What did he want? I'd had enough of his intimidating and horrifying presence earlier, I definitely did not want to be in the position of staring into that glaring blood-red gaze again.

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