Chapter 82 - It's Not Over

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(Would recommend reading the last two paragraphs from last chapter just bc it's been so long since I updated)

I''n so sorry everyone I updated on the other website I'm using but not this one😭 I will update another chapter tonight!!

Chapter 82:

"Hey... Y/N" He whispered my name, gently squeezing the side of my waist.

"Y/N... It's okay... Open your eyes,"

As I heard Bakugou's voice, a sense of calm washed over me. Slowly, I opened my eyes, blinking away the dust and debris. The chaos around us had subsided, replaced by an eerie stillness.

I could feel the explosive blonde's arms still wrapped around me, in that familiar protective kind of way, his expression softer than I'd ever see it before. I glanced around, taking in our surroundings. The building was no longer crumbling beneath our feet; instead, we found ourselves in what appeared to be suspended in the vastness of space, illuminated by a soft, otherworldly glow, of the countless shimmering stars.

Todoroki, Kirishima, Phantom and Midoriya stood nearby, looking just as bewildered as I felt. But amidst the confusion, there was a  sense of tranquility that lingered in the air, a relief that we were all still alive.

A woman stepped forward, clad in a gown of golden colours, the cosmos a painted black canvas that subtly twinkled behind her.

There she stood, floating before us with ethereal grace. A surge of recognition washed over me, igniting the dormant memories within - every detail of her existence that was etched into my mind. Moments before our eyes finally met, the second I came to the realisation we were in space, I didn't need to see it to believe it,  I already knew it was her - Interstellar.

The explosive hero's grip gently loosened as I turned to face the woman stood nearby, but it didn't go without notice, that he didn't fully let me go. I could practically taste the tantalising scent of caramel on the tip of my tongue, just from the closeness shared between us.

Bakugou in a skeptical tone, wasted no time in questioning our whereabouts and what on earth just happened.

"Just... Where the hell are we?" He demanded, his voice tinged with disbelief.

All of us paused, taking in the breathtaking sight of the twinkling stars. The chaos and danger of mere moments ago seemed like a distant memory, replaced by a sense of wonder.

Interstellar's voice, calm and serene, turned to face him with a response. "We're currently in a breathable zone in space..."

"This is known as the Cosmic Respira Belt."

Bakugou's skepticism flared up.

"What? That doesn't make any sense... That's- It's impossible... You can't breathe in space, that's just basic Science,"  he retorted snarkily,  frustration evident, his grip finally slipped from my waist as he crossed arms with a huff.

But Interstellar didn't appear to phased by his somewhat rude attitude.

"The universe doesn't make sense my dear..." She glanced back at him, with a warm glowing smile, "But trust me when I say... Nothing is impossible," she reassured. her words carrying an enchanting yet soothing quality.

I noticed Kirishima and the others still gazing at the starry night sky, that blanketed all around us.

Yet my eyes were fixed on Bakugou's narrowed eyebrows, the way his lips were slightly pouted with irritation, and the scrunch of his nose as he stared ahead, looking annoyed that he even had to be here. I then glanced around at the cosmic canvas, before I found myself naturally leaning in a little closer to him.

When Heroes Collide  - Bakugou X Reader Slow BurnWhere stories live. Discover now