Chapter 14 - My Last Day

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Interstellar had informed me that we would be journeying into a mysterious, dangerous place that would put all my new-found knowledge to the test. I was pretty nervous, little did I know that this journey would take a terrifying turn.

She arrived at Mt Lady's agency to pick me up. Her presence alone commanded respect and instilled a sense of awe within me, I eagerly followed her.

As we walked through the training facility I watched as our surroundings began to change. The path we were walking along slowly faded from gravel into solid stone steps. They led to an underground facility which, Interstellar cryptically referred to as "HQ." It was there, where we reunited with the rest of the team. They held a meeting to discuss the plan for today, I wasn't told much other than we would be venturing into the most dangerous place known to the universe. I got a sense that the others knew a lot more than I did. Once we left, no one said much, their silence only amplifying the enigma of our destination.

As we walked from HQ and found our way  to the outskirts from the heart of Tokyo. A beautiful sunset blessed the city skyline with its orange pink glow. Then once again, the scenery around us gradually started to shift. The once familiar cityscape began to transform into a nightmarish looking realm. Jagged rocks slowly emerged from the ground, casting eerie shadows that danced under dim light. The sky, once golden, heavenly and inviting, now twisted into dark shades of crimson and black. This was her quirk, she was taking us somewhere.

A thick grey fog engulfed us as we made our way through the unknown. The once grand city of Tokyo was now replaced with darkness and shadow, a ghost of what it once was. My heart pounded in my chest as an overwhelming sense of dread consumed me. What was this place? It felt like a desolate realm, emptiness clutched my soul, as if the very essence of despair was all that would ever be found here.

I wanted to go home. I didn't want to do this. If being a hero meant ever coming to a place like this, I didn't want to be one anymore. This place was worse than any nightmare I could have, it was a place beyond the imagination of what nightmares can be. My eyes began to tear up, fear crept up my spine, the grip of unease tightened around my heart.

"Y/N" an ethereal voice pierced through the darkness, rescuing me from the clutches of fear, and for a moment, I'd felt as though my soul had been thrown back inside my body, I was no longer alone.

"My dear, don't let this place get inside your head, you are safe with us."

Her ethereal beauty came into view, Her golden hair highlighted by the presence  of her otherworldly aura.

I was safe, I will always be safe, as long as I found her by my side.

Meanwhile in Hosu city...

Todoroki, Deku and Iida had gotten themselves in a fair amount of trouble with Hero Killer - Stain. They fought bravely almost as if they themselves were pros, although the police deemed them as reckless kids.

All three of them ended up in hospital, some of them, their injuries being taken pretty seriously, especially Iida. We were back at school the next day, everyone except him, there were many rumours flying around, leaving most of Class 1A rather concerned.

Todoroki had asked me to join his friends for lunch, saying there was something he had to tell me, a serious tone present in his voice.

I got an anxious feeling something must of happened during their work placement. Both him & Midoriya were covered in bandages and I'd overheard that Iida was still in hospital.

Me & Uraraka sat together at their booth, patiently waiting for what the boys wanted had to say. It was then when they filled us in on all the events that had occurred. The Nomu's, Stain - The Hero Killer. The things they had done whilst fighting against him and how the police dealt with the situation. They were luckily to be alive, and in a lot less trouble than I'd of thought.

Me & Uraraka sat there for a couple minutes in absolute awe that of them. I was shocked to find it them, alongside Iida had actually faught back against the renowned Hero Killer although, as impressed as were were...

"Are you for real!?! You could have gotten yourselves killed!" I found myself furious with anger.

They stared back at me in sheer shock at my reaction, they had never seen me like this before. Yes I considered these guys to be some of the top students in our class, they have always been incredibly strong. I've continuously found myself in admiration of them, Todoroki especially, but at the end of the day we are nowhere near what it takes to be a pro. They shouldn't be walking when they haven't mastered how to crawl.

"I know. We're lucky to be alive." Todoroki responded quietly.

I couldn't help but give him a smirk, it was hard to stay mad at him for long. Despite being angry at the absolute audacity of all, I found myself wanting to applaud their achievements, I got up to ruffle Todoroki's hair.

"I'm so proud of you!" I beamed.

He looked back at me slightly bewildered but gave a soft smile in return.

"You too Midoriya! Although I sure hope Iida's okay." My thoughts and prayers go to him.

Uraraka remained quiet, not adding much to the conversation, I think something bothered her. Maybe she was just as worried for them as I. It was useless trying to keep these boys out of trouble.

Across the other side of the room.


Y/N didn't sit with them for lunch that day, instead she had chosen to hang out with the two people Bakugou hated most. But why? What could they possibly be talking about? Whatever it was seemed pretty serious, anger began to simmer inside him. Without warning, an echo of Y/N voice blessed his ears.

"I'm so proud of you!" She was saying excitedly to Todoroki. His ears didn't feel so blessed now. Bakugou watched as she played with his hair and smiled.

His thoughts couldn't help but yearn for that as well, then he halted before his brain dared to complete the sentiment. Suppressing the voice of his heart, he struggled to comprehend why his mind veered towards such peculiar notions. He despised this girl. She was bothersome, and he wished to have no association with her. He repeated this affirmation to himself, attempting to convince his own mind.

Yet in her absence, he couldn't resist longing to have her around. Oblivious to his lingering gaze, he discovered himself completely lost in thought, staring at her from across the lunch hall.

"I wonder what they're talking about?" Kirishima whispered to him.

Bakugou abruptly snapped out of his trance, redirecting his focus toward his friends sat at the table.

"Who cares?" He answered casually, moodily gazing at Y/N to catch one last quick glance.

He averted his gaze in the opposite direction, forcefully suppressing these feelings to the depths of his heart. "Feelings are a weak" he reminded himself.


As lunchtime drew to a close, I caught myself scanning across the lunch hall, easily spotting the distinctive, ash-blonde hair from a distance. His typical moody gaze facing the opposite way. Reluctantly I couldn't deny the truth, I'd missed him.

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