Chapter 1 - First Impressions

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Hello readers, this is just the first chapter (relatively short), a simple introduction to U.A and Y/N's first day, I'm in the process of rewriting it.

Been writing this book for over a year now and my writing has improved so much so please give this fic a chance❤️

Chapter 1:

In the dim light of a flickering lamp, the white-haired man stood amidst a sea of bodies, his soulless black eyes like windows to a boundless evil that mirrored the horrors of hell. Blood soaked the ground blending into the scarlet carpet, pooling around the lifeless forms strewn haphazardly across the floor. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood and the silence of the dead, broken only by ragged breaths and the distant hum of the city, which remained oblivious to the carnage.

His presence was a dark force, a shadow that chilled me to the bone. He moved with an eerie calm, his black eyes locking onto mine with a chilling intensity. A cruel smile curled on his lips, I could feel the malevolence radiating from him, a palpable, suffocating presence. I stumbled backward, falling to the ground, my heart racing, my mind screaming for me to run, to escape this nightmare.

"NOT AGAIN!!" I felt myself screaming.

"Please... Not this.. I can't- Stop... Just stop," My voice shattered the silence, a desperate, heart-wrenching plea that seemed to fall on deaf ears. The white-haired man stepped closer, his eyes never leaving my own, his smile widening into a grotesque grin as he approached me with his blood drenched weapon.

Suddenly, the world around me shattered like glass as I jolted awake, drenched in sweat, my heart pounding inside my chest. I lay in bed, disoriented and trembling, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to me like a dark fog. The familiar surroundings of my bedroom slowly came into focus, offering a fragile sense of safety against the terror that had invaded my sleep.

I took a deep breath, shaking the nightmare away, pushing it to the back of my mind. After all, I had more important things to focus on for now. Today would be my first day at U.A.

I'm nervous.
I can't do this?
Can I?
I don't think I can.
Oh god. Oh no.
Okay it's okay.
Just breathe, deep breaths.
Everything will be fine~

I paced back and forth in my bedroom. A lump in my throat, my heart beating fast, butterflies in my stomach. Nervous feelings rushed through me. But at the same time, I was so excited, after the remnants of my dreams began to disappear I soon found myself smiling.

Wow I can't believe I'm here.

I can't believe this is really happening.

I paused to look at myself in the mirror. There I was, all dressed up in my U.A uniform.

"Oh wow, look at you!" The bedroom door had swung open, my mum appearing behind it.

"You look so grown up, our little Y/N." I felt kinda embarrassed but understood that it was just a motherly thing to say, I awkwardly laughed in response.

"Hahah, yep! Okay! I've really got to go now, can't be late on my first day!"

She began listing items making sure that I had everything with me; my lunch, my keys, my phone, my bag, my notebooks, my pens, the whole lot. "YES. stop worrying I haven't forgotten anything." I appreciated the reminder though.

"Okay then." she smiled. I ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast, eating it quickly & taking another slice on my way out the front door.

Today was my first ever walk to school here in Japan. The air was fresh, the sun was shining, I could even hear the birds singing in the distance. What a beautiful day I thought, today would be a good day. Although I moved to Japan recently from ________ , I tried my best to get used to my surroundings and learnt where everything was.

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