Chapter 49: Bakugou's Bedroom

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Hello everyone!! ~ this chapter is the longest i've written so far😅 i'm so sorry but at least we finally get to see bakugou's BEDROOM ahhh ^^

Chapter 49:

As evening approached, well after dinner I took a seat with my friends in the common area once again, slumping into the sofa next to Bakugou, Todoroki took the seat next to me, Mina was sat opposite us alongside Kirishima, Kaminari, Jirou and Midoriya.

"Man I'm exhausted." Bakugou exasperated.

"Me too." Todoroki gave a loftily sigh.

"Me three." I added.

"Big day today huh?" Mina asked.

"Yep." Todoroki sighed.

"Why you so exhausted?" Bakugou cocked a brow.

"I...Just wanted to join in." I twiddled my thumbs with a shy smile.

"Well you can join in on the fun gossip we've been having!"

Oh god. What was Mina gonna say now? I caught Bakugou rolling his eyes.

"Which is?" Todoroki asked.

I felt a little stunned, it seemed out of character. Todoroki interested in gossip? The idea of it made me smile.

"Romance ~ hehehe"

Of course. As usual.

"You really need to stop watching those K-Dramas and reading fanfiction." I laughed.

"Heheh maybe so but still! ~" Mina responded playfully.

"If she's gonna start talking about romance I'm going to bed."

"It's 7pm. That's early even for you!" Kirishima chimed in.

"Yeah well I've just had to retake my Provisional License exam and fight a bunch of thugs on the way back, I'm fucking shattered."

"Me too to be honest."

"You're all boring." Mina pouted.

"Boring because we don't want to listen to whatever you have to say about fucking romance?" Bakugou barked.

"Actually, we were all having a pretty serious discussion about it..."

"About what?" I cocked my brow.

"Well.. I was talking about dating and how it's important to find someone before becoming a Pro Hero." Mina exclaimed.

"Before? You're kidding right.?" Bakugou scoffed.

"Ain't no way in hell I'm gonna date someone before I've even become the number one hero, you should get your priorities straight Mina. At least sort out your career first." Bakugou retorted.

So that's how it was? I guess that made sense, Bakugou wanted to be the number one hero more than anything, he wouldn't dare let a high school relationship get in the way of his dreams. I actually felt that was really mature of him, I admired how much he cared for his own goals.

"Exactly." I agreed, Mina shot me look.

"You agree with him!?!"

"Of course?"

"Hah. See, looks like some girls still have their priorities straight."

It felt nice that he was defending me, he smirked down at me as though he was proud.

"Okay.. But what about if you were to become the number one hero Bakugou-kun?" Mina asked softly.

"What about it?" Bakugou scoffed.

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