Chapter 58: Wake Up

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Not long after the trio's deep chat, Bakugou retreated to his bedroom, preparing for sleep. He lay there, scrolling through Y/N's previous messages.


goodnight y/n🧡

[Sent: 00:12]

night katsuki🧡

[Received: 00:14]

He stared at their last messages, reminiscing about the night they sneaked out to stargaze together. She looked.. really pretty that evening, with her radiant smile, moonlit hair, and the closeness they shared whilst listening to music. It made him nervous, but secretly, he liked that feeling. He glanced at his phone and began typing out a message.


Please wake up..❤️


He opened the contacts app, scrolled to find her name, and made the decision to change it.


He shut down all the apps on his phone and placed it onto the bedside table with a sigh.

Could what his friends had told him actually hold any truth? Was it genuinely Y/N appearing in his dreams? It sounded unbelievable, maybe too far-fetched, but the fact that they all shared similar dreams couldn't be mere chance. In a way, it reassured him to know he wasn't alone, giving him a glimmer of hope that he might not be losing his mind. He contemplated for a moment.

I wonder if Todoroki has those dreams too?

He thought, even though he could never gather the courage to ask, regardless of how much he wanted to know.

If it was, truly her... Maybe there was something he could do, but what? He remained in bed, restless, as he recalled Mina's words.

"We think... It's her."

Kirishima and Mina cast serious expressions in his direction, signifying that they had given this considerable thought, leaving Bakugou to mull over her statement.

"I don't know how or why... But something in my heart tells me it's her and she's visiting us in our dreams."

"It just..."

"Felt too real." Kirishima added.

Bakugou remembered the moment he held Y/N in his arms, just before she began to fade away. He cherished the memory of her warmth, the scent of her hair, her enchanting smile, and the feeling of her body against his. It all felt incredibly real.

At this point, he clung desperately to any remaining shreds of hope, as everything else appeared bleak. However, now, he found it even more challenging to sleep, a whirlwind of butterflies swirling within him. If it truly was her.. What should he do?

After countless hours of tossing and turning, and the soothing sounds of his carefully curated sleep playlist, exhaustion finally overcame him. He slipped into a gentle slumber, finding himself enveloped by the familiar darkness.

As he glanced around, the landscape was nothing but endless darkness for miles. Then, suddenly, familiar elements started to materialize once more. The obscurity around him transformed into buildings, trees, and solid concrete ground. Above, the moon hung serenely in the evening sky, casting its gentle light upon the ground beneath his feet. He understood what was about to happen next.

He shut his eyes, prepared to face whatever lay ahead, and then turned to discover an injured girl on the ground, bearing Y/N's face. This time, however, he didn't scream; he merely averted his gaze as the illusion of the world dissolved into an abyss of darkness once more. Spinning around, he scanned every possible direction in the void, hoping for a glimpse of something, but there was only endless darkness. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

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