Chapter 54: Hospital

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Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya remained seated with eachother amongst their beds in a hospital room. The nurses had tended to their injuries, some minor, others more severe, but they were all stable. The room was filled with tension and silence, as Y/N's whereabouts and condition remained a mystery.

Bakugou sat up in his hospital bed, his eyes fixed on the object he was fiddling with in his hand. It was the last thing Y/N had given him, a small plushie keyring resembling Bakugou in his hero outfit. However, it was now slightly worn, bearing stains of her blood. He softly squeezed it, days had passed without any news about her condition. Bakugou looked dreadful, with dark circles under his eyes, utterly drained of energy.

When all of a sudden the door to their room opened. Endeavour and All Might entered.

"Shoto!!" Endeavour called as he walked over to his son.

All Might walked over to Deku, patting him on the head, whilst Katsuki remained seated, alone with his thoughts. After awhile of sitting in silence, his jaw began to clench.

"Really? None of you gonna say anything?" He spat, his voice dripped with bitterness and resentment.

"Bakugou Shounen.." All Might, stood up at his words.

Katsuki got up from the hospital bed, storming over to All Might's feeble being.

"Where the fuck is she?" He glared, emotions running high.


"No one will tell me anything..." His voice began to choke.

"I can't take it anymore."

"Kacchan..." Deku's voice whispered.

The room filled with a familiar silence, all eyes on Katsuki but he didn't care.

"She's gone isn't she?" The crimson glow of his eyes met with All Might's sunken gaze.

All Might pulled him close, much like he had done before, resting the palm of his hand on his head. But this time Bakugou didn't pull away, he let All Might's warmth offer the comfort he very much needed.

"She's... Alive. That's something I can promise."

Bakugou closed his eyes tightly, relieved at All Mights words, after a couple of moments he pulled away as All Might gave a soft, yet sympathetic smile.

Bakugou settled back into his bed, still clutching the keyring in his hand. He turned to gaze out of the window, and eventually, exhaustion overcame him as he drifted off to sleep.

Midoriya noticed over the past couple of days, Bakugou hadn't slept at all. It was clear that the fear of Y/N's potential fate had kept him wide awake. However, upon learning that she was, at the very least, alive, Bakugou fell asleep almost instantly.

As the day drew on, the boys were dismissed by their doctors and now free to go.

"Kaachan... Are you coming to U.A with us?"

"I need to see her." Bakugou replied without his usual air of annoyance, but a numbness instead.

The three of them continued down the corridors and through the hospital ward looking for Y/N's room when finally, they found it. They discovered it, a room with a large window that offered a view of Y/N peacefully asleep in her bed. She appeared delicate and angelic, with just a few minor scratches on her face.


Bakugou stood outside the door of the hospital room, feeling nervous and uncertain. He'd never been good with hospitals, and the sight of all the machines and tubes made him feel uneasy. But he knew he had to do this. He owed it to his classmate, who was lying inside, hooked up to all sorts of medical equipment.

He took a deep breath and pushed the door open, stepping inside. The room was quiet except for the sound of the machines beeping and whirring. Y/N looked so small and fragile lying there in the hospital bed, her face pale and still.

Bakugou felt a lump form in his throat. He wished he could do more to help her, to make her wake up and be okay. But he knew that there was nothing he could do except wait and hope.

He took a seat in a chair next to the bed, taking her hand in his. It felt cold and limp, but he squeezed it gently, willing her to know that he's there. He didn't want his friends to know how upset he was seeing her in such a state, so he kept his emotions carefully hidden behind a stoic mask, before burying his face into his hands.

Todoroki and Deku remained outside, looking through the window, giving Bakugou and Y/N a private moment before eventually joining them. They stood there in silence, but Bakugou could sense their presence.

After some time with his head in his hands, Bakugou raised his face, his eyes concealed in shadow, yet he remained silent. The minutes crawled by without anyone saying much, and the ambiance was somber. Todoroki and Deku stayed by his side as long as possible, silently conveying their support to Bakugou in the midst of the gloomy atmosphere, eventually Midoriya spoke up.


Bakugou's gaze remained locked Y/N, as though nothing else mattered.

Midoriya struggled to find the words that would bring him comfort, a lot of time had passed by now.

"We should head back to home... You can always come back tomorrow." He suggested softly.

"I'll see you there." Bakugou replied quietly, not moving a muscle.

Todoroki and Deku left the room, not knowing what else to do.

For hours, Bakugou sat there, watching her breathe, listening to the machines beep. He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to. His presence alone was enough. As the day wore on and the room grew dim, Katsuki finally got up to leave. He gave Y/N's hand one last squeeze before letting go, feeling a pang of sadness and regret.

"I'll come back and see you soon,"He whispered.

"Just...get better, okay?"

He stepped out of the room, feeling drained and emotionally spent. But he knew that he'd come back, every day if he had to, until she woke up and everything was okay again.

It had been a long day, and now, as evening descended, it was calm and quiet. The sun had set but there was no chill in the air. Bakugou made his way back to the dorms, well aware that by now, most of his fellow students were aware of Y/N's condition. She lay in a coma, the doctors didn't know when, or if she would ever wake up. It weighed heavily on Bakugou's mind, he appreciated that Deku and Todoroki hadn't tried to engage him in much conversation at the hospital, but they still stayed there with him for awhile.

Upon opening the door to the U.A dorms, he stepped into another gloomy atmosphere. His classmates' hushed conversations fell silent as all eyes turned to him. He didn't care, he just wanted to be left alone, he walked through the lounge and down the corridor to his bedroom without talking to anyone, not even his best friend.

Entering his bedroom, he stretched out on the bed, playing the playlist he had made for Y/N, but never had the chance to share with her.

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