Chapter 52: Dabi's Inferno

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Chapter 51:

Once we reached the warehouse, the atmosphere became heavy with an unsettling tension. We moved cautiously through the dimly lit interior, senses alert for any sign of danger. The pungent scent of chemicals hung in the air, mingling with an eerie silence.

As we ventured deeper, we stumbled upon the chilling sight that sent shivers down our spines. The vast expanse of the warehouse had been transformed into a horrifying production line. Rows upon rows of grotesque, mutated nomu's were lined up, their misshapen forms resembling twisted monsters. The creatures had been altered and enhanced, their size increased, and their features contorted.

Twist's eyes widened in shock.

"I don't remember there being this many."

"It seems they're manufacturing these creatures on a disturbing scale." Endeavour interrupted.

Endeavour's fiery aura intensified, his senses on high alert. Without warning, the silence shattered as Spinner, Mr Compress and Twice emerged from the shadows, flanked by multiple monstrous Nomu's. Spinner's voice dripped with a twisted sense of pride.

"Welcome Heroes."

Mr Compress added with a mocking bow, "Fancy seeing you here."

Our resolve hardened as the confrontation escalated. It seemed that the villains already anticipated our moves and had prepared themselves to fight. Without hesitation, we sprang into action. Bakugou's explosive quirk tore through the air, igniting powerful blasts that scattered the Nomu's. Todoroki's ice encased others, freezing them in their monstrous forms. Endeavour's flames roared to life, searing through the ranks of Twice's doubles. Time Twister's quirk manipulated the movement of time around us exchanging from rapid succession to slow motion. Meanwhile, I fought with a fierce determination, teleporting in and out amongst the twisted creatures, striking them with strong blows whenever I found an opening.

The battle raged on, a cacophony of powers, explosions, and clashes. The Nomu's, once twisted monsters of nature, were now shattered remnants of their creators' ambitions. It seemed that these particular Nomu's were nowhere near as strong as the one All Might himself had once dealt with. In fact, they merely looked like monstrosities of strength but were weaker in comparison.

When all of a sudden, time stood still for what truly felt like an eternity, Spinner, Mr Compress, Twice, his doubles and the last two remaining Nomu's attempted to close the gap between us, gradually creeping toward our direction, when time itself completely froze. Not a single one of us could move no further, my teleportation no longer worked. Twist had never done this before, something was wrong. Very wrong.


Throughout the duration of fighting Twist took a deadly blow to his stamina. The constant quick concession of swapping the pace of time back and forth took a tole on his body, depleting him of energy. After concluding this himself Twist slipped away from the fight for a brief moment in order to catch his breath. He found himself behind the remnants of a wall, where he continued to change the pace of time for the battlefield, from a far. When unexpectedly, the dark shadow of a villain's black trench-coat reflected before his eyes. Twist spun swiftly, meeting the culprits gaze and a manic smile. The villain then closed in on him, backing Twist into a corner. Suddenly, a whoosh of piercing blue flames danced violently around them, as the burning sensation began to tickle at Twist's arms.

Within an instant, the passage of time slowed down as he continuously backed away, deeper into the corner, watching the blindingly hot flames slowly grow closer to his already bubbling skin. Time itself passed by so slowly, it appeared as though frozen. Twist took in every essence of the scene before his eyes; the glowing malice in Dabi's gaze and his malevolent grin. He searched for an opening but there was no way out of this, the only thing left to do was slow down time as much as he could, and wait an eternity for death.

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