Chapter 45 - The Key

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Katsuki dragged me along the corridor to Shoto's bedroom. After an aggressive knock on the door Todoorki quickly answered, letting us inside. I then proceeded to fill then both in on the events that occurred involving the Recon Squad and The League of Villains. I informed them about the rundown town we trailed them to, Hagakure venturing alone and getting injured, and how I unexpectedly acquired a mysterious key from Mr. Compress.

"So this key... Do you know what it's for?" Todoroki asked.

"Not a clue. Interstellar said she'll be investigating that further. I imagine 707's already figured it out."


"Oh- You haven't met him yet, he's working as support to the Defence Squad. He's a world class hacker."

"Woah. Interstellar runs a top agency.." Todoroki claimed.


A silence fell between the three of us.

"There's something I wanted to ask you." Todoroki broke it.

Bakugou shot him a glare.

"How come you're on the Defence Squad and not the Flank Squad with Mt Lady?"

Bakugou looked to me. I got the feeling he already knew that I was actually working for Interstellar. Maybe Todoroki had realised this too, but I'd promised not to say anything, no matter what.

"Well..." I spoke softly, quickly forming a response in my head.

"Despite working for Mt Lady's agency, Interstellar thinks my quirk is best used on the Defence Squad... Being able to teleport wherever I'm needed is pretty handy, and she's the overseer of the entire operation, so it makes sense.."

"Mmm.. You're right that does make sense." Todoroki stated quietly.

Thank god.

"Anyway, all the squad's will be working together on our next big breakthrough."

"Is that what Interstellar said?" Bakugou spoke up.

"Yeah... So I need to head back to the agency, I'll update you guys again later." I stated whilst heading out.

"Make sure you get those Licenses. You're gonna be needed for the next stage."

The boys nodded in return.

I made my way to Mt Lady's agency, Interstellar picked me up like usual, taking me back to her Headquarters. The meeting room buzzed with tension as the assembled group of heroes prepared to discuss our mission for the day. The holographic screen at the front displayed a map of the city, with various markers denoting points of interest. In the midst of it all, 707, the enigmatic hacker, stood alongside Interstellar, Time Twister, Endeavour, Hawks, and Tokoyami.

"Any developments regarding the key?" I asked.

"Indeed." Responded Interstellar with a smile.

707's fingers danced across a holographic keyboard, manipulating the map with ease.

"I've analyzed the key's encrypted data and cross-referenced it with the city's records. It appears to of been manufactured by a small company in Japan called Sankyu Inc. This information helped me trace it to a property in the warehouse district, near the shipment region."

"Who exactly is Sankyu Inc.?"

"They happen to be a warehouse rental company. This key, in particular, is connected to one of their properties. I imagine this means that The League of Villains are definitely concealing something. We just need to figure out where."

707 was the real deal.

"I've narrowed it down to a specific area within that region, there have been multiple sightings of both Mr Compress and Dabi there. One of those warehouses will tell us just exactly what they're hiding."

Interstellar, her ethereal presence casting a soft glow in the room, inclined her head.

"Well, isn't that a strategic location for The League of Villains? They could be using it for various purposes."

"Y/N. We're relying on your classmates to obtain their Licenses. If you don't think they'll pass a second time... Let me know so I can make adjustments to the plan." Interstellar stated seriously.

I understood what she was saying, but I believed in my closest friends more than anything.

"I know they'll get their licenses in time. Don't worry, I fully believe in them. Todoroki and Bakugou are two of the top students in our class."

Tokoyami nodded in agreement.

"I put my trust in you Y/N." Interstellar replied gently, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Endeavour's stern gaze bore into the map.

"We can't afford to let them run wild. Hawks, Tokoyami, you'll be accompanying my squad to this location. After a thorough investigation of the area, we might have to prepare ourselves for the next stage - a big-scale operation."

Hawks and Tokoyami nodded at Endeavour's words.

"Yes. All squads shall be called to action."

I listened to them intently, unsure of what was to happen next or what this 'big-scale operation' would be. 707's fingers paused in his typing, his gaze moving between us.

"Once we have which building it leads to confirmed, we'll need to act fast. Their movements are unpredictable, and we can't afford to let them slip away again."

I nodded in agreement.

"I'll be ready. We've been preparing for this."

Interstellar's ethereal voice resonated with determination.

"Remember, heroes, we fight as one. Unity is our strength."

Endeavour's fiery aura intensified, but he only offered a huff in response.

With the plan set, the group dispersed, each of us preparing for the mission ahead. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the city in shades of orange and violet, Interstellar, Twist, 707, and myself, teleported to the shipment area by the docks, searching for clues of where the key might lead.

After what felt like hours of scanning the area, we found ourselves standing outside a nondescript warehouse in the heart of the district.

"The key leads us here," 707 confirmed, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

"Based on my scans, there's significant energy emanating from within... This building."

I looked up, my eyes met with a run-down five story building that loomed over us, casting a threatening shadow over its doorway. What was it with all these deserted buildings? Why do these guys choose to hang out in such places!? I understand you might not be able to commit your villainous crimes in a cute coffee shop but geez, there's gotta be somewhere nicer.. This place gave me the creeps. Just how many warehouses did they own?

With a shared nod, we moved in unison towards the warehouse's entrance. Moonlight glistened across the pavement as we slipped inside, the interior shrouded in darkness. As we continued to move cautiously through the warehouse, the sound of hushed whispers reached our ears. The League of Villains was here, plotting and planning in this hidden lair.

Twist's hand gestured, signaling for quiet. 707's fingers moved nimbly across his holographic device, ensuring that our entrance remained unnoticed, me and Interstellar kept a low profile. We walked through the building, separating slightly, but still remaining in each others eye sight. I teleported to a thick, stable looking beam that held the remnants of roof together, cautiously keeping watch. I creeped along the beam as quietly as I could to get a closer look, when I spotted two familiar villains in the distance - Mr Compress and Dabi, but they weren't alone.

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