Chapter 46 - 707 World Class Hacker

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The atmosphere was heavy with an unsettling tension. We moved cautiously through the dimly lit interior, senses alert for any sign of danger. The pungent scent of chemicals hung in the air, mingling with an eerie silence. After catching sight of Dabi and Mr Compress, my stomach dropped when I uncovered the horrific sight behind them - Nomu's. There was a worrying amount of them, that looked to be growing in jars. A man approached the two villains, clad in a cloak of darkness, his voice was deep and threatening yet I couldn't quite hear what was being said. I noticed 707 hidden behind a crate just ahead of me, using a device to decipher their conversation, I swiftly teleported beside him, informing him on the Nomu's I saw stored just ahead.

"That's not surprising, they've done this kind of thing before, but what is interesting..." 707's voice trailed off into silence, I held my breath with caution.

He pointed at the subtitles of what the villains were talking about on his device, but I still didn't understand what it meant.

"We retreat." He stated seriously.

"What?" I whispered.

"It's the best option we have right now. Now we know the location and what they're up to, we come back and strike when the time is right." He then signalled to the other heroes to fall back.

But what were they up to? I still didn't quite understand. We crept away back to the entrance in order to regroup and teleported back to Interstellar's Headquarters.

"What's going on 707?" Interstellar's angelic voice asked.

Clearly she put a lot of faith in his opinion, if he felt we should retreat, we did exactly as he said.

"They're going international." He replied with a grave look on his face.

Interstellar's eyes widened.

"What does that mean?" I asked innocently.

707 proceeded to provide a detailed explanation of the situation.

"Essentially, the building we were in appears to be a farm for Nomu, there have been rumors about such facilities before. However, that's not our primary concern right now..." He paused, creating a tense and silent atmosphere.

"The shipment region.." Time Twister spoke up.

"Exactly." 707 met his gaze with a serious expression.

"I'm not certain if Shigaraki is involved, but it seems Mr. Compress and Dabi have a lucrative arrangement going on."

"Lucrative arrangement?" I asked, growing even more perplexed.

A somber silence fell over the group as they exchanged uncertain glances, each bearing grave expressions.

"They plan on selling and dispatching Nomu's to wreak havoc worldwide."

The silence was unbearable, I could feel the intensity of everyone's thoughts.

"We have to put a stop to this.." I spoke up, although, not very confidently.

"We will." 707 vowed.

"With the location pinpointed and the necessary intel gathered, we've gained a crucial advantage. It's time to plan the large-scale operation, with all squads on deck."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Y/N my dear, do you know exactly when Bakugou and Todoroki's license exam is?"

"Uhh-" I thought back to when Bakugou stated it was only in 2 weeks, but that... was awhile ago.

"I'm not sure.. I think it might be this week."

"If that's the case, we shall wait for them to achieve their licenses. Once the boys are ready, I shall brief them in at HQ. No need for added pressure."

"Has Endeavour reported back yet?" Twist interjected.

"No updates as of now. I'm sure he'll inform us of his findings when he's able to." 707 replied.

After handing in my written assignment for Interstellar to review, I changed out of my hero costume and was taken back to Mt Lady's agency, ready to make my way home. The anticipation of not quite knowing the plan going forward made me feel sick with nerves, but knowing both Bakugou and Todoroki would be there helped put my mind at ease.

I'd finally returned to the dorms after a long day, feeling drained but determined. As I entered the common area, I noticed Todoroki and Bakugou deep in conversation - which if I'm honest, was unusual for them.

"Hey guys!" I cheered as I walked through the doors.

Todoroki glanced up at the sound of my voice, a small smile upon his face.

"Oh Y/N hey!"

"Hey." Katsuki gruffed.

"How's it going?"

"Same as usual."

"When do you guys retake the exam?"

"Tomorrow." Bakugou stated with unwavering determination in his voice.

Oh wow, that's a lot sooner than I thought. I smiled, understanding the relentless drive that fueled Bakugou's ambition.

"Well...I wish you both the best of luck, though I have a feeling you won't need it."

My eyes met with Bakugou's crimson glow, a soft smile tugging at his lips.

"Any more updates on the current mission?" Todoroki inquired, his stoic demeanor unchanged.

I approached them, shaking my head.

"Not yet."

"We'll get a proper briefing at HQ once the plan is set in motion. Right now, your main goal is getting those licenses."

The boys nodded in agreement.

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