Chapter 26 - Phantom VS Y/N

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I'd concluded fighting with Phantom was not the best idea. He promised I wouldn't be able to land a hit on him and I believed him. Teleporting away was the best option, well at least that's what I thought. However, I wasn't prepared for the onslaught against U.A. despite having a slight advantage, things here were crazy. There was what felt like, thousands of students with all kinds of powers in a whirlwind battle of who could take out the most targets. But I could see the other students from our class coming together, trying their hardest to take the other schools down.

No wonder things seemed so eerily quiet, everyone was here, fighting the real battle royale. I tried my hardest not to panic and partnered up with Deku for a short while, we fought fiercely against hundreds of students, leaving us able to remain in the game. I teleported in and out requiring targets much like before although I found myself moving much faster and carefully, until something grasped at my arm.

"Why'd you go?" The mysterious boy spoke.

I felt as though he was targeting me specifically, I didn't want to entertain the idea but I gathered I didn't have a choice.

Suddenly, a chilling breeze swept around us, causing the debris to swirl around me. I knew it was time to spring into action. With a swift motion, I teleported to the center of where I ended up, scanning my surroundings for any sign of movement.

A ghostly figure materialized before me, its translucent form floating just above the ground. It was Phantom. This hero could phase through solid objects and become nearly invisible, he was one hell of a strong opponent. The air grew colder as I braced myself for our impending clash.

I vanished in an instant, reappearing behind Phantom, my fists clenched and ready to strike. But before I could land a blow, he dissolved into mist, evading my attack. The mist swirled around me, chilling my skin and making it hard to see.

Unexpectedly, I felt a sharp blow to my side. Phantom had reappeared, delivering a  gut wrenching punch that sent me crashing into a rock. The impact reverberated through my body, but I refused to let the pain slow me down.

I teleported to a higher vantage point, perched on top. From here, I could see him shimmering in and out of existence, blending into the shadows.

With a burst of energy, I teleported directly above him, aiming to strike with a powerful kick. But just as my foot was about to make contact, He once again turned incorporeal, causing my attack to pass right through him.

Phantom swiftly solidified behind me, his hand extending through my chest. I grit my teeth, feeling a chilling coldness spread through my body. But I wasn't ready to give in.

I was determined to figure out some kind of plan. If Ghost was his quirk, a form in which he had to activate, much like how I activate teleportation... This meant I would be able to land a hit, as long as he was in human form... So keeping up this spectral, ghostly appearance must take a lot of stamina... I felt my mind piecing something together.

This implied that there will inevitably come a time, a fleeting moment, when his vigilance falters, he would drop his guard... And during that precise instant, I had to seize the opportunity and strike him.

I summoned every ounce of strength and teleported away, leaving mu opponent grasping at thin air. With a burst of speed, I reappeared behind him, my fists crackling with energy and unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike connecting with precision and force. As my fists made contact, Phantom's ghostly form flickered, losing its coherence. It's evident that my stamina and ability was disrupting his intangibility, causing him to waver between the realms.

I seized the opportunity and teleported once more, reappearing directly in front of him. With a final strike, I delivered a powerful blow that sent him crashing to the ground, defeated.

I took a long, soothing breath. Then stood over his helpless body, ready to touch the buttons and take him out of the exam. At that instant, he met my gaze, his eyes reflecting a sense of devastation, as though all his cherished dreams, had just been abruptly shattered.

"Why do you want to be a hero?" I asked softly.

"To avenge my parents." He muttered with a noticeable tinge of pain.

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