Chapter 62: Reply

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Over the following days, I divided my time among school, studies, and my quirk therapy sessions at the hospital. It was undeniably stressful, but I was determined to persevere. To my surprise, Todoroki and Midoriya were exceptionally helpful. They frequently assisted me with my studies, patiently going over the materials I had missed.

Their support was a relief because I felt at ease asking even what I considered silly questions. They never mocked or judged me; they simply explained things, helping me gain a better understanding.

Although, I had a feeling our long tedious study sessions were the reason I was almost late today.

I woke up abruptly, grasping at my phone to check the time - Shit. I threw myself out of bed and started to get ready as fast as I could, I ran a brush through my hair, slipped on my socks and ran out of the bedroom door. Along the corridor I continued to run until I hit something- someone? I was so close I could smell their cologne, it was fresh, cold like an ocean breeze, with underlying tones of cinnamon and amber.

An arm tenderly wrapped around my waist, whilst another circled my head. I instinctively pulled back to see whose chest I had collided with, and was greeted by a pair of mismatched eyes and colgate hair.

"Todoroki-kun?" I called softly, feeling slightly startled and embarrassed.

"You okay?" His tone low and soft as he smiled gently.

"Huh- Oh yeah, sorry.. I'm running late-"

"I know, that's why I came to get you." He chuckled.


"It might be easier if you teleport?"

"Oh- uhm.. Even though my Quirk Therapy sessions are over, I'm not allowed to use my quirk unsupervised for the next two weeks" I admitted, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realise. Well, I think we can still make it if we walk quickly." He turned to walk down the corridor, gesturing for me to go with him.

The weather was nice, the sun brightened up the sky, as the scent of freshly cut grass surrounded us, despite being in a rush it was relaxing, and we just about made it in time to class.

We walked through the door together, everyone turned to look at us but of course, the only gaze I immediately locked onto happened to be one of crimson, and it was glaring, far more menacingly than usual. I could sense the depth of a deep heated rage lit up inside the glow of his eyes. Why did he seem so angry today?

"T-thank you for walking with me and making sure I got here on time." I chuckled awkwardly, averting my eyes back to Todoroki's calm expression.

"It's no problem." He smiled softly and tousled my hair before taking the seat next to mine.

The tiniest amount of warmth graced my cheeks from his touch, mainly because it was a little unexpected, then Aizawa awoken from his slumber in the a sleeping bag under the desk. Did he live in this classroom?


On his way to school with his friends, his mind began to wander, filled with thoughts about where the hell Y/N was? Though, he wouldn't bring himself to ask despite feeling a touch of unease. Why wasn't she walking with them today? Was she alright? The moment he'd been waiting for arrived when Rockhead asked the question;

"Uh Mina, where's Y/N today?"

"Oh, she text me saying she was running late and to go ahead without her."

He felt a wave of relief at first, but when he witnessed her strolling into the classroom, accompanied by that half-and-half bastard with a smile on her face, something sank in the pit of his stomach, and an overwhelming rage seemed to simmer within. The thought that she walked to school with him today was unbearable.

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