Chapter 77: How Could I Forget?

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Chapter 77:

"Katsuki..." I whispered again.

The boys eyes widened at the sound of his first name, his grip on me tightening as he processed my words.

"What did you just call me?" he asked in utter disbelief.

"Katsuki..." I replied softly, still clinging to his frame.

My head feeling heavy, and my heart swelling with emotions.

Katsuki Bakugou, of course I remember you.

How could I forget?

The blonde stared down into my eyes, looking back and forth between my gaze as I watched him realise - It was me.

I was me again, I remembered everything and I could tell that he sensed it too. The way his eyes lit up, as if a long-lost spark had finally returned.

A whirlwind of emotions engulfed the pair of us, and I felt myself teetering on the verge of tears. Everything felt mixed up and messy, and I didn't know how to mend the fractures between us, but at least, finally now-

"Fuck," I was quickly pulled back into his arms, as a deep, calming voice whispered in my ear, "I missed you," the strong arms embraced me, holding even tighter.

He rested his face into the curve of my neck, shifting slightly before soft lips pressed intensely against my cheek, lingering for a moment. His parted lips allowed me to feel the warmth of his breath as he gently withdrew, and rested his head against my shoulder.

I felt my cheeks rise with warmth from the unexpected gesture and continued to breathe in his scent, the familiar notes of salted caramel; sweet with a hint of bitterness, as his body pressed up against mine.

Bakugou pulled away again, and as my face turned to meet his, our noses touched. We were so close together our lips practically brushed against one another, causing me to feel a little flustered. He pulled even further back, his intense gaze searching mine as if trying to confirm the reality of the moment. His hand made its way up to my cheek, as he stroked it gently with his thumb wiping away any remaining tears, "Do you... really remember?"

"Yes," I smiled, staring back at him, the newfound memories still lingering in my head.

His face lit up with an immense, radiant joy, yet beneath the brightness, a subtle quiver betrayed the depth of his feelings. Tears welled up in his eyes, unable to contain the emotions that tugged at his heartstrings.

Within seconds, I felt the fabric of his hero costume press against my cheek once more as he pulled me close to his chest. I could sense a slight tremor in him, as if he were on the brink of tears, holding back the floodgates.

"I'm so sorry," His voice cracked as he whispered in my ear, "I'm so fucking sorry," he reiterated, his hold tightening even more, "I'm sorry for everything, I wish I could take it back, everything I've ever done, everything I've ever said, I-" a silence followed his last sentence as I struggled to find a reply.

For the first time I had known him, Katsuki Bakugou apologised. I could feel the weight of regret in his voice, and the tenderness of his heart, to hear these words meant everything to me.

"Katsuki," I whispered his name once more, in the same soft, affectionate way, in the hope it would hold him together.

"Please-," He continued, his words painted with overwhelmed emotions, "I couldn't sleep last night," He said, trying his hardest to muffle the sounds of his voice breaking, "The moment of you walking into the room, with that expression on your face... it just kept playing in my head over and over,"

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