Chapter 51: Moving in Motion

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Chapter 51:


As time itself slowed around them, Bakugou finally caught a glimpse of what Y/N looked like when flickering in and out of existence. She was still there, moving at unfathomable speeds from one place to another as a blur. The time manipulation quirk perfectly complemented her own, allowing her to teleport swiftly whilst everyone else remained lost in a slowed moment of time.

Katsuki observed her sudden appearance behind one of the mindless thugs up ahead. Suddenly, time began to accelerate, creating a disorienting experience. Within seconds, the thug was forcefully smashed into the ground as she stood triumphantly over him. Time fluctuated between moments of slowness and rapid movement as she effortlessly incapacitated the criminals one by one. Her immense strength became increasingly evident to Bakugou, and he couldn't help but recall her earlier words.

"I've been putting in extra effort with my training, you know~"

It was clear to him now, that Y/N's training had definitely paid off. He continued to watch as she effortlessly beat her way through criminals with a fierce expression on her face, one he'd never seen before. It made the corners of his mouth tug into an unndetectable smile. He observed her, noting the sigh that escaped her lips.

"They're just useless thugs." She remarked casually, dropping one of the criminals to the ground with ease.

For the very first time, Bakugou came to a realization –  she was... actually kind of cool. The manner in which she gracefully subdued villains, treating them as mere obstacles, drew a striking parallel to his own abilities. He had always seen her as someone in need of protection, someone vulnerable. Perhaps at some point in the past, that had been the case. However, as he watched her now...

"So cool..." He whispered under his breath.

Once again in a timelapse, she executed a graceful spin, and Katsuki couldn't help but fixate on the mesmerizing, slow-motion dance of her hair. In the midst of the intense situation, her eyes locked with his. He attempted to avert his gaze, but under the full influence of Time Twister's quirk, the usual fleeting moments felt like an eternity.  In a heartbeat she disappeared before his eyes.


As I danced amongst the villains drifting in and out of time, my eyes locked onto ash-blonde hair stood a few feet away. It felt as though time itself stood still once I caught Bakugou's distant gaze. His lips moved as though speaking to himself, but I couldn't discern his words. I wondered how long he'd been watching me for, as I observed the struggle he held when attempting to tear the gaze away. It felt like an eternity. That's when I suddenly noticed a menacing villain inching closer to him, a sword dangerously close to his stomach.


His eyes still lingered where Y/N once stood, leaving him to wonder where the hell she disappeared to. Just as suddenly, she materialised right before him, mere inches away from his face. Her eyes widened, a clear expression of concern marked her features.

"Katsuki-kun." She whispered gently, enveloping herself around him as she forced them both out of harm's way.

As soon as her push connected, time accelerated instantaneously, causing Bakugou to stagger backward. She released her hold on him, focusing her attention on the approaching villain

"You alright?" She quickly glanced at his stomach to ensure the villain hadn't left a mark, then shifted her gaze back ahead, ready to respond to any sudden movements.

Bakugou couldn't fathom how he let his guard down, and to make matters worse, Y/N of all people had witnessed it, and even came to his rescue.

"I'm fine idiot. Don't worry about me." He huffed in annoyance, pushing her out the way.

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