Chapter 76: Memories

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TW; themes of death, gore and violence

Chapter 76:

How could I respond to that?

I stood there, ensnared in his captivating gaze. The grip on my hips eased a bit, but he didn't release me. I sensed the pain in his words, a hurt that echoed the way he shattered my heart last night.

I looked into his eyes for a bit longer, and that's when I noticed something I'd never noticed before. His typically narrowed and fierce expression shifted, as crimson bled into a darker tone, it dawned on me that behind the tough facade he was always trying to maintain, stood a truly broken boy who longed for the girl I used to be, more than anything else in the world.

I was so focussed on how much he hurt me with his cruel words and confusing actions, I never really realised, I was the one who hurt him first.

"Bakugou," I whispered, "I'm really sorry that I don't remember you..." I attempted to lean in, feeling myself finally succumbing to the desire to hold him. Unable to bear it any longer, unable to ignore the urges, every impulse in my body screaming to embrace him, it was the only response that came to mind.

"Don't," he intervened, wrapping his arms around mine, restraining me back. "If you hold me like that... I'll break," his voice cracked unexpectedly, as he averted his gaze to the floor, "It's all I've wanted to do ever since you woke up."


This longing... This want, this desire, the urge to hold him so closely-

"You... feel it too?"

"Feel what?"

I continued to gaze, the desire to hold him growing stronger with each passing moment, our closeness driving me crazy. Why did I crave it so intensely? Why did I long to be held by him? What was this feeling? A silence fell between us as I couldn't bring myself to reply. Crimson rubies remained fixed intently on my gaze, ever so slightly drifting from either side. In the end, the blonde spoke up once more as he looked away.

"Anyway, we need to move, they're most likely still on the second floor meaning...The real threat lies above." He gestured to the ceiling, finally releasing his grip on me with his other hand as he pushed himself up from against the wall.

Licking his lips nervously, he avoided my gaze, "We still need to talk later, but for now... The mission, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay." I agreed, biting my lips, feeling slightly anxious for whatever conversation we were going to have later. I hastily changed the subject, "Who was the woman?"

"She's... part of a villain group"

"What's her quirk? How was she able to blast through the wall like that?"

"Elasticity." He answered straight away.

"Mmm, so her body's like rubber?"

"Kinda, yeah"

"What about the other villains? What are their quirks?" I asked cautiously, "Surely, I'll need to know incase we engage in combat,"

"You'll find out soon enough"

And with that, we headed to the 6th floor, Bakugou coming to the conclusion that the target must be allocated above, and it was important to regroup with the others.

Along the 6th floor corridors we continued to walk cautiously. Bakugou had already relayed a message to the other partnerships. Informing them about the woman's location, we narrowly escaped from downstairs. Red Riot and Phantom were currently scouting the 12th floor, and said they hadn't found anything suspicious. Meanwhile, we were yet to receive a response from Todoroki and Deku.

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