Chapter 12 - Aftermath

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hey guys! hope you're enjoying the story so far~ ^.^

Chapter 12:

Mina grabbed both Jirou and Uraraka by the arms.

"She wouldn't have teleported far right? Do you think she just went home?" Mina asked the girls.

"Mmm.. " Jirou thought.

"No. I think she just teleported elsewhere for a moment, as a way to collect her thoughts.. Most likely anyway."

"I agree." Ochako chimed in.

"Then where would she?-"

"It has to be a place she can picture clearly right?"

It felt as though a lightbulb had gone off in their minds at the same time.

"The bathroom."

They made their way to the ladies room. Only to find me curled up in a ball crying alone in one of the stalls. I didn't mind them seeing me like this, even if I was a total mess. They were my friends, they were here for me and I knew they would understand. It was just the guys I didn't want to see, I felt so ashamed, it would of been too embarrassing.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe now. We're all here, What happened?" Mina asked whilst gently stroking my hair.

"I- I- I-don't want to talk about it righ- right now." I said, still visibly a shaken mess.

I wasn't ready to delve into my past with these guys, not just yet. But that boy was bad news.

"Okay, that's okay. We're all gonna go home together now okay? You can stay at mine tonight." Mina voiced softly.

"O-o-kay." I stuttered, still struggling to speak.

"We can all stay at Mina's together and have a nice big fun sleep over to take your mind off everything okay?" Ochako beamed, Jirou nodding along with her.

I looked up and managed to give them a smile. After calming down, they helped me up and took me out the bathroom. We headed to the front entrance were we met with the guys.

Todoroki and Deku rushed over.

"Y/N you okay!?! We were worried sick. Kacchan told us what happened. Are you hurt? Is your arm okay? Who the hell was that guy?" Deku innocently questioned.

My eyes widened. I didn't want to talk about him. I wasn't ready. Tears began to stream from my eyes, completely beyond my control. I didn't want to remember who that guy was. But I needed to thank Bakugou. He saved me and I'd just retreated, disappeared without saying a word... How selfish and disrespectful, especially after the danger I'd put him in.

"Baku-" He was leaning against a bike stand looking up at me. He looked pretty pissed off and immediately got up from his leaning, walking over to me, his hands buried in his pockets.

"You good?" He asked with narrow eyes looking very stern.

"I'm good." I responded shyly.

"Good. We should all go home." He replied coldly, walking off by himself.

Admittedly I was a little scared him walking home alone but I knew me saying that would only hurt his feelings and realistically, after the display of strength he had shown tonight I think I should be more concerned for anyone who tries to mess with him.

The rest of the guys walked back with us to Mina's house, they were acting very protective. It was nice and made me feel a lot more at ease. Everyone had subtly gotten the idea that I didn't want to talk about it and moved on from the subject. We talked about everything that had happened at the Arcade before the incident and I was enjoying it.

"Oh Bakugou said he was supposed to give you this!" Kirishima handed me a milkshake.

"AHHHH!! Right! He went to get a drink, he got me one too?..." I replied curiously, "Oh wow, Strawberry's my favourite!" My face flushed a little at the gesture.

"I think it's probably his way of trying to apologise for what he said earlier." Kirishima placed his hand on my shoulder, paired with a soft smile.

So many events had occurred that I had completely overlooked all of that. It didn't matter anymore. My mind was solely consumed by the hooded figure and his current whereabouts.

'Hey, you like strawberries right?'

Bakugou's voice made its way into my head, that sentence alone was now one of comfort, warmth and safety. I couldn't help but find myself reliving the moment in my mind, seeing him punch that guy square in the face.

I'd calmed down quite a bit from earlier and now, I had never felt so grateful. I didn't know how on earth I could ever repay him. My thoughts became clouded by conflicting feelings, I still couldn't quite understand why he was so harsh at times. His words really hurt. I thought back to earlier, how we were enjoying ourselves so much or at least I knew I was. The one thing I knew that I would never forget was the fact that he came back.

Despite the confusion of my feelings, I didn't think I had any space left for hate in my heart anymore. Today he was a hero, a true hero... and I started to think that maybe there was a lot more to Bakugou than he let on, maybe there were hidden depths that nobody got to see, just maybe he wasn't that bad of a guy after all. We shared a mutual hatred toward each other, but even so, he was the only one who came to my rescue when I needed it and from that day forward, I knew I would always be forever to grateful to him.

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