Chapter 36 - The Morning After

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I woke up the morning after, shuffling comfortably in bed. I glanced over to were Katsuki slept last night, his pillow and blanket were no longer there and Bakugou was nowhere to be found. Was last night even real? Did I just dream that? I reached for my phone to check the time; it was 8:20 am, and I needed to start getting ready. Today was the day my hero studies commenced. I quickly checked my texts, curious to see if the memories I held were just a dream but the texts were still there.

Putting on my hero suit, I hurried downstairs for a quick bite to eat. A few of my classmates were already having breakfast – Kiri, Mina, Shoto, and... Katsuki. Everyone else were also clothed in their hero garments, preparing for the big day ahead. There was an open seat next to Shoto so I made a couple pieces of toast and joined them.

"So Todoroki-kun, it's pretty cool Aizawa spoke to the Principal so now you guys are able to join in with the hero studies!" I said gesturing to Bakugou too.

"Yeah." He grinned softly.

Bakugou glanced at him with disgust.

"How are the extra lessons going?"

"They're going pretty well actually. It's nice to be able to go with a friend."

I couldn't help but smile in response at his naivety.

"HUH!?! We're NOT friends idiot!" Bakugou shouted at him aggressively, slamming his hands onto the table.

"Oh yeah Bakugou, do you have that book I leant you for the mock exam? I need to borrow it for revision tonight." Todoroki replied, completely unphased.

Bakugou gritted his teeth.

"Dunno what book you're on about." He spat, crossing his arms.

"Huh? The one I gave to you on Tuesday? We were in the Library-"

"OKAY. YES. I'LL GIVE IT BACK TO YOU LATER!" He shouted once again.

Me and Mina tried to suppress a giggle, maybe they were friends after all? It would've been nice if my two closest friends got along.

"Well I'm gonna head down to Mt Lady's agency, wish me luck guys!" I stood up from the table, slipping on my shoes before heading out.

"Good luck!!" Mina and Kiri cheered.

"Good luck to you too guys!" I waved back at them.

"Good luck Y/N." Todoroki responded before I closed the door.

I wasn't sure if Bakugou wished me luck too. Did things feel awkward between us now? It was hard to discern. Considering last night, it felt a bit odd that we hadn't really talked at breakfast... Or maybe I'm just overthinking it? I felt a little disappointed waking him to find he was no longer there... Yet, when I thought about it maybe it was less awkward this way.

I made my way to Mt Lady's agency, the building loomed over me, standing impressively large. Once inside, a security guard approached and guided me into an nearby office, where I was met with Interstellar.

"Greetings my dear. It is a pleasure to see you're doing well." She bowed to me.

"It's good to see you again." I smiled.

"The assignment ahead will not be easy. I hope you have come prepared, for you shall encounter much greater challenges than last time."

I hesitated to ask.

"Will I be fighting real villains this time?"

"Indeed my darling. Nonetheless,many heroes shall stand beside us."

Upon her raising up from a chair behind the desk, a remarkable transformation engulfed the world around us. Interstellar possessed the ability to travel to extraordinary realms akin to mine, but many of the places she could access lied beyond human comprehension. The walls turned dark and black, distant monitor screens softly materialized, a large round conference table appeared before us, and a warm glow emanated from a bright light. The gentle sounds of human chatter filled the air. She had brought me back to her agency, a place known to only a select few, shrouded in secrecy and guarded from common knowledge.

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