Chapter 34 - Secret Santa

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Okay so although this sounds like another filler chapter, this is actually a crucial moment in the story🥹 (you'll see why later!)

The timeline will be more un-cannon to the show because I'm not gonna do the overhaul arc, it's very deku focused and this is Y/N's story!🥰 so we're gonna do a time skip to December (which funnily enough in the manga is about the time Todoroki & Bakugou finally get their Licenses)

Secret Santa

Mina was always coming up with ideas that involved everyone in class, things for us to all do together. With Christmas round the corner it was no wonder that she wanted to do Secret Santa. Many of us were looking forward to it, others weren't so eager.

"This is fucking lame. I don't want anything to do with it."

"Bakugou you have to! Otherwise the numbers are uneven and that's not fair!" Mina urged.

"Do I look like I care?" Katsuki huffed back at her.

"Come on Bakugou... It's festive!" I smiled.

"Fine, whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"Okay great! So does everyone want to do it traditionally or the new way?"

"What's the difference?"

"Well we can put our names either in a hat and pick them or an online name generator where they'll email your secret santa to you!" Mina suggested.

"Traditional." Bakugou shouted.

"The email thing sounds kinda cool." Kiri added.

"No. It sounds fucking stupid. Just throw our names in a hat and get it over with already." Kastuki shouted.

"Okay, okay."

Me and Mina wrote all the names of everyone in our class on a piece of paper and threw them into a hat. Everyone gathered in the lounge area, ready to find out who their secret santa would be. We let everybody else go first as it was only fair, there were two names left for me an Mina. I picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it.

Tokoyami Fumikage was written on it.

"So who'd you get?" I asked Mina straight away.

"It's a secret that's the whole point!"

"A secret from the person you got! Not your best friend!" I urged her.

"I got Ochako-chan!" She sang happily.

"Ooo that's a good one!!"

"I know! I feel so lucky, I know exactly what to get her! Who did you get?"

"Tokoyami... Do you think that means I have to get a gift for Dark Shadow as well?" I said   rubbing my chin.

Shoji overheard us.

"You got Fumikage?" He asked.

"Oh- uh... Yeah. Please don't tell him!"

"Could we... Maybe swap?" He asked hesitantly.

"You want to swap? Why?"

Shoji unfolded his piece of paper, revealing the name to me and Mina.

"Bakugou Katsuki"

We both burst out laughing.

"Well we always knew whoever got his name, was going to struggle." Mina laughed.

"I know Fumikage really well... And I have a really good idea for what to get him." Shoji looked to me, I could tell he was being genuine.

"Okay, sure. I'll swap with you."

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