Chapter 56: Dreams

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An abyss of darkness could be seen for miles, an endless void stretched out in every direction. Regardless of where he turned his gaze, he found only the unending emptiness. Then, in an instant the world began to transform before his eyes. Buildings materialized, a row of trees emerged in the distance, the night sky revealed itself, the moon shined brightly, illuminating the ground that had now appeared beneath his feet and there, lying next to him, was an injured girl. Her arm was grievously broken, blood stained the scene, and when their eyes met, it was Y/N's face that she held.

With a heartbreaking scream, he hurled himself back into the abyss of darkness, causing the surrounding scene to vanish, yet the lifeless body still lay before him. Suddenly, a radiant light emerged in the distance, casting a beautiful, otherworldly glow. It steadily approached, revealing the silhouette of a girl. He stared at it for awhile as the figure got closer.

"Katsuki-kun..." A soft, sweet echo of a voice called his name, a voice he hadn't heard for a very long time.

The body on the floor vanished, and Bakugou took a step closer to the figure, that's when Y/N's face came into view.

"Y/N?" He started jogging towards her, her face becoming clearer with each step.


She also started running, and when she was finally in reach, he pulled her close into his embrace, wrapping his arms around her tightly and burying his face into her shoulder. He couldn't resist savoring every intricate detail – she felt warm and delicate against his strong, powerful arms, and the fragrance of her hair carried an indescribable sweetness. He wished he could hold onto this moment forever, but he pulled away, just for a moment, wanting to capture the beauty of her face once more when suddenly, she started to fade into the nothingness.

That's when Bakugou woke up.

He felt a jolt into wakefulness and was panting slightly.

"Bakugou- You okay?" Kirishima called from where he had been sleeping on the floor.

"Huh? Yeah. I'm fine." He sighed.

Bakugou lay back down, closing his eyes, wishing more than anything, to be able to go back to sleep and be with Y/N again.

"Bad dream?" The rock head questioned.

"Mm, don't remember."

"Well.. Uh we should be getting up anyway. Everyone's a little concerned that you've been skipping classes."

Bakugou cocked his brow.

"Not skipping. I was excused from them." He stated with another sigh.

"Oh- Well that's a relief to be honest." Kirishima gave a sympathetic smile.

"I know you're struggling." Kirishima hesitated.

"But... Just think how impressed she'll be when she wakes up and you've gotten so much stronger."

Kiri hoped that these words would make a difference and perhaps rekindle the passion Bakugou had once known.

Katsuki gazed out the window taking in a deep breath.

"You're right." His gaze shifted back to the rock head, narrowed with a subtle crimson glow and for the first time in weeks, a hint of determination.

Bakugou had finally had enough of his own moping, even his dreams were depressing, he knew he had to let it go, at least for whilst he was at school. He got up out of bed, got dressed and headed downstairs to have breakfast with everyone.

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