Chapter 43 - Beneath The Sky

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(i think this is the cutest chapter i've ever written😭)


Bakugou lay in bed, all set to sleep, yet plagued by restless thoughts. Despite his readiness, anxiety kept him awake. He pondered over the events of the day in Y/N's hero studies. Normally, she updated him and Todoroki, but today had been different. Guilt began to claw at him—for his failure in the Provisional License Exam, for not always being present during the Hero Studies. He carried the weight of his duty to protect her, the guilt gnawing at him. An unspoken conviction echoed within him, the belief that his presence could have smoothed out the day's events, sparing Y/N from harm. The thought was painful, a sentiment he couldn't vocalize, yet it gripped him nonetheless.

"If only I was there.." Kept circling around his head.

A notification chimed on his phone, resting beside the alarm clock on the bedside table. With minimal effort, he retrieved it. Picking up the device, he cast a quick glance at the incoming text.


"you awake?"

He smirked.

"Why?" He typed back.


"so you are awake😏" She replied.

He rolled his eyes, letting out a lofty sigh as a smile made its way to his face.



He enjoyed their playful texting back and fourth, whenever Y/N's name popped up in his notifications his heart couldn't help but flutter yet he continued trying his hardest to ignore it.

"wanna sneak out?"

He smiled.




A surge of excitement coursed through me. Slipping on my shoes, I teleported to the lamppost outside the accommodation building, promptly sending a text to Katsuki, instructing him to meet me there

💥Katsuki💥 :


He replied. I started to feel al nervous now for some reason, I wonder why? Was it because I was meeting with Bakugou? No. We hang out all the time. I guess sneaking out when we should be in bed was different.

I continued to wait in front of the lamppost for him to meet me. What if he didn't come and just ghosted me? God. I need to stop overthinking.
I scrolled through my phone, seeking distraction, until I recognised a shadowy figure approaching. Bathed in moonlight, the person's form emerged, revealing the indistinct outline of a white skull on their attire. No doubt, it was Katsuki; that clothing design was unmistakable. Usually, it adorned a T-shirt, but tonight, he sported a bulky black hoodie, his ash-blond hair peeking through.

"Hey." He said in a low hushed voice.


"So where did you wanna go?" He asked.

"I've got an idea." Seizing his arm, I swiftly formed a teleportation portal, and once it materialized, we emerged right outside a nearby 7-11.

"Oh shit- I didn't bring my wallet." He panicked, clutching onto the pockets of his trousers with a concerned look on his face.

"Don't worry about it." I smiled as we headed inside.

"What you want?" I asked as we scanned across looking through the selection of chocolate bars, sweets and drinks.

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