Chapter 72 - Broken Hearts

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I woke up the next day, feeling groggy and dreadful. Glancing at the window, I noticed the weather mirrored my mood – a sky draped in shades of grey, exuding a sense of bleakness. Today was a cold, miserable day, and I could only hope the weather would improve as the day progressed. The absence of rain, left a glimmer of hope.

Dragging myself out of bed, still clad in the jumper I wore the night before, I was greeted by a pounding headache, likely from the tears that had been shed throughout the night. Examining myself in the mirror revealed bags under my eyes and disheveled hair – a clear reflection of my emotional state.

A shower. That's what I needed.

As it was early morning, I still had plenty of time on my hands, I wearily made my way to the girls' bathroom. Shedding the remnants of yesterday's outfit, a painful reminder I wished to discard, I entered the shower. The warm, soothing flow of water down my body provided a modest sense of relief, as if I could cleanse away the pain along with it. My muscles were tense and sore, my back aching from the hunched position I'd slept in. However, the hot water felt like a soothing massage against it.

Standing there, enveloped in the warm, steamy air, I let my thoughts wander, as the water continued its therapeutic embrace. Taking a deep breath, I concluded my shower, swiftly wrapping a towel around myself as I headed back to my room to get ready, thankfully avoiding any familiar faces along the way.

Studying myself in the mirror once again, I decided to apply a subtle amount of makeup in an attempt to improve my appearance, yet the brokenness in my eyes remained. I quickly blow dried my hair, pushing aside thoughts of the previous night, and braced myself for the awkward day ahead. Though not anticipating it, I understood the need to face it head-on. The sooner, the better.

I threw my uniform on and glanced at the thick black, comfy looking jacket draped on the back of my chair. I looked toward the window once more, noticing no change to the weather outside and decided to grab it, wrapping it over my uniform as though the jacket itself was a familiar warm, comforting embrace. Shortly after, I headed downstairs.

Anxiety began churning away in the pit of my stomach with each step, knowing the blonde would most likely be in the lounge with the rest of our classmates.

But it was going to be okay.

You'll be okay.

I told myself, taking in a deep breath.

Just avoid him.

It doesn't have to be awkward.

Upon entering the room I noticed the blonde immediately, stood in a corner talking with the red headed boy, it seemed they must of resolved things pretty quickly, although Bakugou's usual scowl was more prominent than ever. Thankfully, we didn't make eye contact.

The atmosphere lacked the tension of the previous day; instead, the usual hustle and bustle of an early school morning filled the air. It seemed many of our classmates were eager about returning to hero agencies. Personally, I felt terrified.

Surprisingly, it appeared that the events of last night remained confined to those involved; none of my other classmates seemed aware of any tension between us. I headed to the kitchen, the scent of toasted bread wafted through the air as I prepared a slice for myself. I noticed Mina stood with Ochako in the other corner, our eyes met briefly, but I tore my gaze away and continued to ignore her. I wasn't ready to speak with her just yet.

Taking a seat between Jirou and Todoroki, I engaged in light conversation. Jirou's eyes fell on what I was wearing as she commented, "That jacket looks cool, don't think I've seen you wear it before."

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