Chapter 64: Prince of Ice & Fire

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Chapter 64:

Once Physical Training had concluded, I stood outside, my notebook haphazardly stowed in my backpack, patiently awaiting my friends to finish changing. A couple of them were taking showers, so I bided my time with Mina until Kaminari, and Kirishima joined us.

The boys were engrossed in a discussion about their weekend plans, something related to skateboarding. Personally, I wasn't paying much attention when Mina nudged me and whispered.

"So, I noticed you and Bakugou talking during Physical Training..."

"Oh, yeah?" I replied, my thoughts wandering as I wondered where this conversation was headed.

"Well, it's just that, I know things got a bit tense during the game night, but then he left, and you guys came back, and everything seemed okay.." She hesitated a little before voiced her worries.

"I know it's none of my business, but I just wanted to make sure everything's okay between you two."

She gazed at me, her inky black eyes reflecting genuine concern.

I could understand why she worried. It must have been somewhat obvious to the rest of our friends, the tension between Bakugou and me since I woke up from my coma and started school. I took my time absorbing her words, wondering if perhaps she knew why he was acting out the way he did. If maybe, any of our friends knew things between me and Bakugou that I didn't, if they too, knew that for him... it hurt to look at me.

I wondered what the dynamics between us were like before the coma, it was a question that occupied my thoughts often, and his complex personality only added to the challenge of understanding it all.

Since our game night, there had been a noticeable reduction in tension between us. It was evident that he was making an effort, and I, in turn, respected the boundaries he had set between us.

Earlier, when he found himself lost in whatever whirlwind off thoughts that began to consume him, I was quite surprised that he let me offer him comfort, something that I hadn't anticipated at all. I even found myself close enough to lightly rest my hand on his arm and gently stroke his hair.

"It felt nice."

His words coursed through my mind, causing me to feel a little flustered.. Then I thought back to how he teased me last lesson as though it was the most natural thing in the world.. It felt as though the wall he put in place to protect his feelings, whatever they may be, was gradually starting to crumble.

"Earth to Y/N?" Mina nudged me once more, her teasing tone and playful grin unmistakably revealing the blush that crept onto my face as I remained lost in thought.

"Huh? Oh. Um, actually yeah... I feel like, we're actually getting along so much better now." I gave a shy smile, hesitant to say more.

"Did something happen when he left to find you?" She inquired, referring to the other night, after he called me useless.

We did have... a moment.

I recalled the way his fingers delicately entwined with mine just before we opened the door, as if silently conveying, 'I know I'm mad at you, but I'm not.' He might not have out-right said it, but I sensed his frustration was with the situation, the fact that my memories had been lost, not me personally. He did say it wasn't my fault, it's not as though I lost my memories on purpose, but.. Ugh. I just wished I could of remembered more.

"Yeah, um... We talked things out a bit, and then, earlier today—"

Mina cut me off with an enthusiastic interjection.

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