Chapter 78: Your Saviour

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Chapter 78:


Bakugou braced himself for his imminent death, but it never came. He glanced down at his chest where the gun had fired shots, but found nothing. Casting a look across the room, he eyed the villain.

"Clever bitch," he spat with resentment, blood trickling from his lips, as three silver bullets tore through his own chest.

Bakugou's head immediately snapped back to the door... and there she was.

In the doorway, she stood, a slightly breathless, frightened little angel. Her eyes widened with fear, her outstretched palms reaching out, her face deeply concentrated.

Did she... teleport the bullets?

The idea raced through his head.

But how?

The precision...

The timing...

"Don't... touch him," She said quietly, still shaking, and looked... so scared.

Bakugou could tell, she had just barely saved him. It was a close one.

"Ahhhh, so the girl, saves the boy she loves..." The villain taunted darkly, "How heartwarming, you're gonna make me jealous," He teased.

Her eyes narrowed in disgust at the villains words, it was clear he got right under her skin.

"You've done enough," her tone a little more stern and demanding, "More than enough,"

The villain laughed cruelly, still holding onto the gun, waving it around with complete nonchalance, before scratching his head with the barrel, "You got me,"

The white haired man put his hands in the air in a fake surrendering motion, and Bakugou watched the gun disappear as an injection needle took its place. The man then stabbed the needle right into his chest, capturing everyone in awe, when the bullet hole wounds magically begun to heal within seconds. He stretched, yawning dramatically as though the entire situation bored him.

Unexpectedly, a new gun emerged in his grasp, a giant, powerful looking machine gun, pointing directly Y/N's way. Bakugou felt his heart immediately drop inside his chest. Nausea filled his senses, he started to feel queasy.

Todoroki shouted her name, but his voice was drowned out by the deafening roar of the machine gun unleashing a barrage of bullets. There were hundreds of them, hurtling toward her at such close range; it could only mean certain death.

But Bakugou's eyes widened in shock as he watched her shimmer in and out of existence at unfathomable speed. The gun came to a stop after finally running out of ammo. Y/N reemerged, breathing heavily yet without a single scratch, "You'll have to try harder than that," she smirked, beautiful locks falling elegantly to frame her face.


The villain looked back at me with a bewildered expression, both mesmerised and disgusted, "You'd look so much prettier covered in holes," His face twisted into a sadistic smile.

"You're sick," The explosive blonde stepped forward, choking the man by the neck.

"I wouldn't do that," The villain smiled, a dagger appearing in his hand as he attempted to slice across the blondes side.

But Bakugou was too swift, quickly dodging the man's attack. Todoroki seized the moment to help Midoriya, his flames roaring toward the man stood on top of him. The villain with the big bulky boots attempted to defend against Todoroki but his attempts proved to be feeble.

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