Chapter 182. Some People Forget The Plan

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                                                                  Charlotte Nyx's Point Of View

" Charlotte, you need to make your face more neutral, otherwise he'll be able to tell what you're thinking."

Anna offered me advice as we approached the door to the Dining Hall. My nervousness must be easy to spot on my face. I mean I just have so much I want to say to him! But from what Sarah and Anna have told me, I need to take this slowly in order to not appear like I have no regard for his marriage to them.

" We're going to be entering the room now, from what I can tell, he seems to be calm and in somewhat of a good mood. I guess the terms Prince Delcan and King Leonard offered him for the business deal was quite favorable. We should strike now while his mood is good. As long as Anna and I agree to take you in, he should also relent."

" Wow Sarah, You're quite the schemer! How do you know your husband's mood without even seeing him?"

" It's because I love him of course, Crystal!"

Sarah and my Mom spoke to each other as I took deep breaths before we opened the door. It seems our guards for the door took their break to eat now that the meal had begun. I opened the door and began to walk through it with my Mom, Sarah and Anna walking closely behind me. Before moving in front of me as they were sure they would be noticed as they entered. Without fail, the voice they wanted to hear so badly began to speak to them.

" Ah, you made it!"

Matthew greeted Sarah and Anna first. Then he noticed my Mom and I were also walking towards him as well. Sure, we had different destinations, but Matthew also greeted us in the same cheery tone as he used for Sarah and Anna. The tone of his voice had an exciting quality to me for some reason. Maybe, it's because this was the first time I recall him speaking to me with something nearing joy in his tone.

" Princess Charlotte, Queen Crystal. Good evening."

He had a slight smile on his face as he greeted us. A mix between a formal smile for the occasion but mixed with a hint of his joyful mood leaking out. What did my Dad and Del offer him? These thoughts filled my head as we greeted him back and we began to take our seats. I returned to the seat I had last night. in order from left to right it was, Del, my Dad, my Mom and then me. In our sights from left to right for us was Sarah, Matthew and Anna.

" How did your meeting go, My Love?"

Sarah spoke first to Matthew as she and Anna took their seats next to him. I envied how easy it was for her to strike up a conversation with him. Matthew, was more than happy to answer his wife's question.

" It went well, King-"

" Matthew, please, use our names. We're going to share a meal again after all."

My Mom interrupted Matthew with a somewhat displeased look on her face. It reminded me of how she was disappointed when she found Del and I had ripped up a piece of cloth we were fighting over when we were small. It seems this look from my Mom had some effect on Matthew as he began to awkwardly adhere to my Mom's request. I suppose her pressure can work on anyone, rather they be Dark Elf, Human or Demon.

" Ah... Sorry... Crystal."

Matthew apologized to my Mom and then turned back to Sarah. He seemed to be very excited to share the results of the meeting with my Dad and brother to not just his wives, but my Mom and myself as well. We all listened with interest, even though we already knew what had happened.

" Leonard has informed me that he would like to hold a summit with Warrick, and they would like to invite the King of the Elves as well. He wishes to sort this out without causing a war."

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