" But it'll be safer in Paradise!"
"... But... It will be safer in Paradise..."
" And have Kim leave all of her friends that she's made? Do you have any idea how hard it would be to move towns!? I mean be realistic! What would I even do!? I've been a housewife for the past 14 years! Who would hire me!?"
" D- Don't look at me! Speak to your wife, I'm just your mouthpiece!"
" Well... You'd be the one deciding on her job, you're the Lord of Paradise after all..."
" Oh... Right, yeah... I am."
" What?"
This has been going on for 10 minutes now. Ms. Victoria would scream and give somewhat logical questions to Patrick's idea, then Patrick would look for an answer that would appease his wife's mind. And I was stuck in the middle. I don't know if she meant for it, but I can't help but feel that Ms. Victoria is yelling at me. Now she's looking at me with a questioning glare as she couldn't hear what Patrick had said. I quickly relayed what he had said.
" Well, he was just pointing out that I would be the one at the end of the day to give you a job."
" Well, have you thought of a job that I could do, Matthew?"
She's still glaring. I need an answer now! Uhmmm.... Flowers!
" I'd hire you as a gardener!"
" A gardener!? I've never worked as a gardener before."
" But Patrick said you used to work in a flower shop?"
" Yes, my family did own a flower shop and I did help, but that's vastly different than being a gardener. That's like saying a miner mined some ore, so he can also smith it into a sword you know?"
" Also, we have a gardener for our home, My Love."
" Oh right, Deborah... Well, who said she needed to work exclusively for our home? The farm could use a team to tend to the plant life inside and around it, right? Hell, we haven't gotten a Community Event Team assembled yet either? We only really throw banquets whenever I think it's a good idea, right?"
" Well, yes but..."
A look of confusion came over everyone's faces.
" What, what's the matter?"
" What's a " Community Event Team"?"
" What? It's a group that plans for events to happen in a city. Like what the town should look like or what the theme of a party should be? They've done it in the capital already? Don't you remember your Birthday, Sarah? Or the party after we successfully repelled the Hero Party?"
" I know what you're speaking about, but for each of those events, my Mother was the one in charge of making those decisions. That's also how it works everywhere else as well, My Love."
" So, you're saying that the Wife of whoever holds the authority of the land is the one who designs the parties and the like?"
Sarah nodded to my words.
" Where would you even hear of something like an " Event Team"? Is that something that Promethia does, Matthew?"
" No, my Family have been to Promethia quite a few times Ms. Victoria. They do it the same way that we all do, the Queen planned all of the parties in Whitestone."
I may have messed up... They're wondering where the idea came from... I need to cover up with something quickly...
" Well, I was raised away from civilization, so the idea of something as big as a city-wide celebration made me think that there had to have been a team to share the burden with. I see I was wrong now."

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...