Chapter 264. Final Walk And An Arrow For Your Thoughts

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" Yes, line up like that! Now stick your clubs out! Perfect!"

Our slap-dash army is looking somewhat better, I aim my hand to be on a perfect angle with the line of clubs that are currently pointing towards the outside of the Barrier.

" Holy Flame!"

A burst of golden flames exits my hands and with great speed lit the last of the torches up. I then used my Holy Flame Manipulation to make the relatively small burst of Holy Flames fly into the bonfire that was burning brightly in the center of the Barrier. From just that small bit of Holy Flame, what was once regular red flames, became a giant golden bonfire. Well, at the very least, this Barrier is going to be well protected from any of the... What did Sarah name them? Bonded ones? I probably would've called them zombies myself... I wonder if zombies exist here in Gaia? I mean Necromancers do? I think? Ah, who cares!? I need to focus; we're going to begin the assault on the God of The Blackwood soon. After hearing my plans, there were some adjustments, but all in all, I think it'll work. The only question now is how will the floating bastard react to it? Regardless, I know that the hostages won't die, he wants me to see them die on the lead up to killing me after leveling this town. It's almost a shame how this plan may have worked had he'd not been so overconfident and just killed me when he had the chance, now with my Holy Flame Manipulation and my mana hovering around 50% from Paladin's Recovery healing me while I slept. I'm feeling pretty good. The Barrier is self-sustaining itself as well. it's also really strong. It took around 20% of mana to make. That's even more than when I tripled the Barriers back in the basement when we were fighting Fracks... Or Fracks changing into the God... Or was it the God at the time? Who can say?

" Are you all finished up?"

Sarah had walked over to me after making her own preparations, more or less she was fanning the flames to make sure they were strong before we left.

" Yup, that was the last of the lines."

" I still can't believe that every inch of the perimeter of the Barrier is now guarded. It's so much nicer than when you were sleeping."

" Yeah, it was surprising when I woke up. The Barrier grew bigger than what I thought it would. I should thank Angela for setting it up."

" You mean it wasn't you?"

Sarah's face looked confused for a moment.

" Well, it was more half and half, I couldn't cast the spell, but Angela could at the time. So, she did it for me, since I wanted to protect you and Anna."

" Ah, I see, I was a little bit confused about how you did that, Darling."

Anna had finished up throwing plants she grew into the fire, so she walked up and joined Sarah and I as I was speaking. Seems she read our lips on her way over to see what we were talking about. Now that it was just us, I guess I should fess up to my small little lie.

" Now that you're both here, I do need to tell you both something. I can't actually kill that thing."

" What do you mean?"

Sarah whispered her question as she and Anna wore serious faces at my question.

" Angela told me that I can't kill the guy with my Holy Flames, but I could take his " time" away by hurting him. If I had to guess, he's only able to stay in Fracks's body for a limited amount of time, but it's not long. It's probably similar to an hourglass, but instead of just turning it upside down, when the sand fills up the hourglass..."

" The hourglass will break. Or in this case, Fracks's body will."

" If I had to guess."

Anna finished my thought. It wasn't a great scenario to think about... But it's the outcome we need to achieve.

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