" Really? Spiders with 8 mouths on their abdomens and fangs like hair on their legs?..."
I mumbled to myself as the carriage rode on and on further towards Zana. We've been traveling for 2 days now; it will take 3 weeks in all to make it Zana at our current speed. Besides the change in personal, not much is different from the journey to Darkheim. Sarah and Anna sit beside me, we made the time pass through talking or doing some reading. Wendy and Ellie are playing some kind of a game with their hands where they take turns mimicking hand movements. I just sat back down from generating the next few miles of road we'll be traveling on, I've been getting out of the carriage periodically, summoning Gil and together paving the road we're traveling on. Whether I'd actually complete said road depends on the attitude of Lord Fracks when we arrive in Zana. depending on how they treat us, I might just destroy the road on our way back.
" Grrr..."
I move my eyes back down to the book that Daniel Claro made. Right now, I'm reading about his firsthand account as a young Paladin dealing with an Evil God's infestation in an old town. I'd think it was a fantasy novel or something, but the fact I've run into Gods, Demons and some crazy looking monsters while hunting... Well, I just hope that these spiders are extinct right now. But the book's contents are not where my true discomfort is coming from. It's the guard dog for my wives that is watching me with a sharp focus I've only had while fighting that Jessie guy to the death back when that idiot Hero tried invading Diablos. In other words, Princess Alice has been true to her words when she said she was going to protect Sarah and Anna from me. So, I've been stuck reading this book and have barely been able to speak to my wives for the past 2 days. My wives have begun to be annoyed by Princess Alice's actions, but she still persists.
" Alle, he is our husband."
Sarah tried to speak, but her words seemed to fall on deaf animal-like, hearing enhanced ears.
" I know he probably has just made you say that, Sarah! It's all going to be okay as long as I'm here!"
This argument has been happening since breakfast. Since Princess Alice can't follow us to bed, she's convinced herself that I've been manipulating Sarah and Anna to separate her from them. If only she knew that they've been complaining about her while hugging and kissing me at night. Admittedly, it was quite cute to hear them talk about how much they missed me during the day, but we were all a bit annoyed at the current situation, but since Princess Alice is well... A Princess as well as our guest and a customer who's still working out the order she wants to place for our products, we ended up trying to use Sarah and Alice's relationship as friends to slowly work her attitude back to what it was before, though I hoped we could have a better relationship than the glaring at me from across the table that she did before.
" He didn't, Alle. Also, do you really think that I could be forced into something?"
" But you've been acting so strange... And... And that night..."
" That night? You mean when you nearly broke down our bedroom door?"
Princess Alice simply nodded her head. Anna then looked at Sarah and then Ellie and Wendy before Sarah said anything else. To make this go by quicker, I decided to use my abilities as a Lord to help this explanation go by quickly.
" Ellie, Wendy, Put your hands over your ears."
" Why?"
Well, that failed. Time for plan B.
" Just do it, I'll give you an extra scoop of ice cream tonight."
With my bribe, the girls did as I asked. I then turned to Sarah.
" Go ahead."
With my words, Sarah began to whisper to Princess Alice. She glared at first, then as Sarah's smile widened, Princess Alice went red from blushing, then Sarah's eyes began to come alive, and Princess Alice began to hide her face. Sarah seemed to be going towards the finish line finally and a look of realization donned her. She then looked at me then back at Sarah and Anna. She remained silent and then Sarah and Anna moved from sitting next to Princess Alice to sitting beside me. They then grabbed my arms and began to lean on my shoulders. I turned to Wendy and Ellie who were watching me and waiting for me to say they were in the clear.

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...