Alice Mars's Point Of View
A sword strike of mine is ineffective against this damned giant!
/ Creak!/
I braced myself for a punch from the giant. Ever since Matthew hit this guy with that white lightning from the sky, the giant has creaked and cracked with every movement. I assume that Matthew and Anna couldn't hear it since they both seemed surprised when the giant attempted to attack them before the Count families and the militia came to save us. My Beastmen hearing should be quite helpful moving forward since they couldn't catch the creaking.
" Princess Alice!"
Speaking of the Counts, a platform of ice had formed below my feet, I was able to land on it and use the ice to jump away from the punch of the giant. I was able to safely land on the ground afterwards. I turned to Lady Diana and began to thank her for her help.
" Thank you for that!"
A smile appeared on her face once she heard my thanks.
" It's my honor to help you, Princess Alice."
While she was still being formal, Diana Gorse seemed to be quite happy to hear my thanks. I wonder if thanks are rarely given to Demons during battle? While it's rare to do it in a live battle, most Beastmen give lots of thanks during the banquets after the battles we have. I wonder if Matthew would thank me? Sarah and Anna did mention " rewards" when we had that discussion before... Sarah... Big Sis... I glance back towards her, and I see a disheartening sight. Sarah was still unconscious. Anna and Matthew were hard at work healing her however, my eyes may be deceiving me, but it looks like the hole in Sarah's chest was closing, if it was, it was being done slowly. Matthew mentioned something was " blocking" his healing... But the look on his face is quite relaxed in comparison to before. I think I can leave it to him. I mean, he is Sarah's husband, I have no doubt that he'll heal her. He gave me his word as well. I should focus.
/ CLANG!/ Whoosh!/
metal blades and flames danced all around the body of this durable giant. While the damage was minimal, progress did seem to be getting made.
/ THUMP! Thump!/
Count Sark and Lady Kina landed next to me. They had just finished using a combination attack agaisnt the giant, but they failed to damage it. Count Sark and Lady Kina turned to me and began to speak.
" Princess Alice, who damaged that thing? The blood that's dripping from its head... How did that happen?"
Lady Kina spoke to me, but it was clear that Count Sark was also interested in the same thing, I watched the giant as he dealt with the continuous attacks from the militia as I began to answer their questions.
" It was Matthew, he used a spell that summoned what looked like a strike of white lightning that hit the giant on his head. That's what caused the damage. However, the cuts and scrapes that formed on it have already begun to close."
" How powerful was that attack, exactly?"
" Well, if I was hit by it, I doubt there'd be anything left of me. Considering how winded he became after using it, I assume the spell is one of the strongest spells he can use currently."
" So, we'll need to hit it with higher tiered magic in order to even scratch it. How exactly should we go about this I wonder?"
Lady Kina placed her hand on her chin as she began to think about what I've said.

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...