It seems that with all the time that has passed, a few things have changed for Fracks's body. The vines had moved up from his lower body to his chest. Not only that, but the vines have begun to burrow into the 3 holes that were there now. The dagger was now in his hand, shifting up and down as the deranged laughter rose and fell with his breaths. And then there was me, silent, walking forward, only the clinking and clanking of Julia's armor that I equipped before approaching. With Scarlet in my hands, I prepared to take the first step to end this whole thing.
More laughter followed. I used Holy Mana Body to power up and then I imbue Scarlet with my Holy Mana Blade. I decided that I need to start and end this quick. I need to also create an opportunity for everyone to evacuate as soon as possible. With all that going through my mind, I fire the opening shot.
" White Slash!"
I swing Scarlet and a white blade rushes towards Fracks. It aimed for his head, but the vines created a wall that showed a deep cut that seemed to nearly cut through the vines. It seems more effective than Holy Bolt, but not as good as Holy Flame. But this is good, with all of the Barriers my mana is already around 60% it seems that the emergency 3rd Barrier I had forced out used a good amount of my mana. If I had to guess, it'd be around 15%. Maybe the pain was a combination of a new skill being forced to unlock and forcing out more mana than I'm used to? I shake my head at the thought, none of it matters now. Especially with those damned red eyes staring at me. Something feels different though? That weird feeling has only grown stronger. But instead of something that resembled something like fear, this feeling... It's like before I fought Luke. Wanting to win more than my next breath. No... This is slightly different... I want to kill this thing. Maybe since it's an Evil God the High Paladin in me is telling me I need to destroy it?
" HoW dARe YOU!"
A Vine comes flying at me, I use Scarlet to redirect the vine away from the girls behind me, I need to move now that I have his attention.
A Holy Bolt lands on more protective vines as he laughed, the time it took him to compose himself gave me enough time to move away from the girls. Step 1 get his attention and step 2, separate from the girls, seemed to be completed now. His attention was fully on me. Vines raced to me, left, right, from the floor, above me, any direction a vine could attack me from, they attacked me from them. Thankfully, my time spent hunting and sparring has done me well. Dodging came naturally. Eventually, I started to counterattack the vines, I've been able to cut quite a few in half, but more kept popping out of him. I began to make progress and take steps towards him as I deflected, dodged and cut everything that came towards me.
" DiE! dIe Die! DIe! dIE!"
Fracks finally stopped laughing, I think the vines must have him feel some kind of sensation, he seems to feel a slight tinge of pain as I cut into the vines. Progress towards him is slow, but manageable.
His anger grew, a vine smashed into my arm, but with my natural defense combined with Julia's armor as well as my Holy Mana Body, I easily tanked his attack.
Another Holy Bolt caused him to shell up, this let me push further, I'm close now, nearly where I need to be to launch a Holy Flame. He should burn up just like Pete. That'll give the girls the time to escape.

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...