Chapter 291. Round 2s Up And Downs

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With the high speed of him flying away from me and crash landing on the cold hard ground, I was given a second to catch my breath. Most likely with his augmentation spell his physical abilities have reached somewhere around where my Father is in terms of physical abilities... no I'd say he's probably above him. But he's not so far above that I can't follow him with my eyes. This isn't going to be like when he first appeared. The amount of mana that he's used against all of us throughout this fight has to have him fighting on times at this point.


But just because he's on fumes doesn't mean that I can drop my guard, a wounded and cornered animal is still a dangerous animal. Thankfully his habits haven't really changed. That teleport that he loves to use is still readable, once I hear the sound I just need to guard from behind. His swing maybe heavy, but I can handle it.


And thankfully I'm not alone, this time a blade of wind flew at his arm and made contact. It did no damage, but it did lighten his blade against my halberd.

/Swish! Thump!/

I moved my halberd swiftly and tripped him with the tail end of it.


A fist full of killing intent aimed for his skull, but I missed as he dodged at the last second.

" !!!"


A kick was aimed at my throat, but I blocked it with my forearm. He jumps up to his feet in the time it takes me to retake my stance.

" Well, well, well. Who would've thought that you'd take my kick like it was nothing? I guess I am a little tired."

He spoke nonchalantly, but I was quite glad that I took that kick. Since now I know I don't need to fear his unarmed attacks, I just need to watch for his sword now.


Another fireball aimed for his head; this time he swatted it out of the air with his sword. That gave me enough time to run at him. I aimed my halberd for his chest, right where I made that giant crack earlier.


He tries to raise his sword to guard, but it's too late, I make contact right on the crack of his armor. It doesn't crack, but it didn't crack the first time I whacked him anyways.



I dodge a sideways sword strike aiming to cut me in half by jumping away sideways. The air made a cutting sound as I did. Anna warned me that his sword was able to make deep cuts into the ground when he first brought it out. I decided to stay away from his swing arc just in case.

" Just you wait, that armor is going to be destroyed soon enough."

I decide to see if I can throw him off his game again with a threat.


Whether it worked or not, I couldn't say. But he did just try to attack me with a flying slash attack, so that's something, I guess? Either way, I do the only thing I know how to do, I rush forward.


More slashes come my way, but dodging isn't difficult compared to the hell my Father put me through during our training sessions.

" You think running at me will be enough!? Die!"

He yells again, but I continue on. If he thinks it's so useless, he should do something about it then.

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