Lady Cindy screamed as Byron fell to the floor after taking the blow for her. Before I let him have a chance to attack again, I pointed my hand to him.
" Holy Bolt!"
My Holy Bolt landed and some of those spikes were blown off of his chest. It looks like I've been using the wrong spell to deal with these new weapons s of his.
Sarah smashed her halberd into the God and sent barreling away from the Fracks Children.
" Byron!"
Lady Cindy called to Byron who was bleeding out on the floor, his eyes were closed. The sudden loss of so much blood must've made him faint from the shock, I quickly raised my hand to heal him, only to have Lady Cindy put herself between me and her brother.
" What are you doing!?"
" I-I'm going to heal him?"
" Can you?"
" Haven't you seen me heal anyone tonight? I'm pretty sure I healed Sarah and Anna in front of you, didn't I?"
" I... I don't recall..."
She looked at me with confusion in her eyes... She has been despondent since we freed her from being a hostage, maybe it's all been too much for her? I do remember Emily telling me that Lady Cindy had just enrolled in the academy, I'm pretty sure that makes her younger than Cynthia. Sarah and Princess Alice again ran ahead of me and began to attack the God as I began to think about how to speak to Lady Cindy. Admittedly, my impatience got the best of me.
" I'm not going to harm your brother, I want to heal him, my healing spell will make him good as new, we don't have time to argue right now about this. If you want him to live, you need to let me heal him now."
Lady Cindy eventually moved to the side, and I was able to cast Holy Heal. Anna used one of her eyes and began to speak to me.
" He's fine, just unconscio-"
A crimson flame flew past us and interrupted Anna's words. It's been hard for Lady Kina and Lady Diana to time their spells since we've all been trying to land a solid blow on the God Of The Blackwoods. I've seen their faces as they've been looking for the right moment to launch their spells, it's been similar to all of us on the frontline searching for the right moment to attack.
" Continuing on, he's fine. Go back and end this."
Anna seemed to be thinking the same thing as me. With Byron and his sister here as well, things are becoming too dangerous. A decisive blow needs to be landed quickly to end this. As Sarah and Alice continued to attack the God who had dodged the fireball from earlier, a thought rolled into my mind. It came to me as Sarah attempted to stab him with her halberd.
" What the hell, it's the best idea I've got at the moment."
" What?"
Anna heard my mutter as I walked off to join back up with Sarah and Princess Alice in the battle. Watching Lady Cindy dive onto Byron's chest in relief made me feel a set of complicated emotions.That anger that had swelled in me when I landed on that tree was still festering in me, now it began to rise up even stronger than before while I looked at both Sarah and Anna. They're both covered in dust and dirt. They both look tired as well. I could feel the anger beginning to plateau. I guess I should truly let it all out. Seeing as we're all low on mana, the God included. This is going to end soon anyways. With my idea and this anger, all I can really do is bet on us winning this.

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...