" Count Sark, like I've said numerous times, you need to fix your speaking habits if you wish to better your impression to people."
" Oh, come now, Gordon. It's a party! Besides, don't you feel all stuffy having to mind your Ps and Qs while drinking? I know you want to appear all Noble and everything, but the only commoners here are the servers and guards."
" Proper conduct is something you do to honor yourself and your ancestors. You'll be disgracing them and yourself by acting improper. Count Sark, don't you think of your forefathers at all before you act?"
" No, I think only of my wife and children. My parents were happy to hand the Countship over to me as soon as I was of age. I think it's because the mine is such a pain to manage."
" Our farming is just as backbreaking; it doesn't make it any less pertinent to show proper decorum, Count Sark."
" Oh please, do you introduce yourself as a Count to every carrot you pick from the soil? What decorum would possibly need you to act Noble in front of fruit and vegetables? That reminds me, Gordon. Thank you for the strawberries last spring by the way. My daughters were quite ravenous for them. I was partial to the blackblood oranges. Very tasty. Don't know what you're doing but keep it up!"
" You... First you make a jape then thank me for giving you produce! I'll give you acid kiwis next spring instead of the oranges!"
" What! No! My kids start bouncing off the walls when they eat those!"
It seems the Counts are lost in their own world now. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume these guys were really good friends. But with all the politicking and business dealing that goes on, I know that the relationship between these 2 men is a bit more complicated than that. Regardless, it seems at least that they don't absolutely hate each other's presences like when I enter a room full of Demons that I haven't met before. Like earlier today, or when Count Sark thought I was doing something wrong when I healed Max on the road. I looked at Sarah and Anna and they seemed to still be cooling off from Count Gorse's attitude towards me.
" Ah so this is where you two were? Ah, and you're both arguing again. Isn't that a bad look in front of the Human?"
A young-looking Demon stepped in between the 2 arguing Counts. Dark yellow skin with 5 black eyes with 2 long pointed ears that pointed out the side of his head and his long black hair that was braided and hanging down his back and both sides of his head. What an odd-looking Demon was my first thought. What an interesting choice of fashion was the 2nd. While most of the men during this party were dressed like me with a tux and a tie, this person dressed in a light green suit.
" Little Ed! Why didn't you walk over earlier! Good to see ya. How's the old man?"
Count Sark seemed happy to meet the Demon that had interrupted him.
" Edward, your father, Lord Tye, moved east when he retired, right? How have you found the transition into the acting Lord?"
A conversation broke out in front of me. So, this is Lord Tye? From what I understand, a few months after we defeated the Hero, Edward Tye's father, the previous Count Tye, retired after 500 years as Lord of Trapda. Seems there's some kind of a relationship with the other 2 Counts.
" My father and mother are well; they built a house on the beat front of Drownedtree. As for the transition, my father left Trapda in quite good shape, so really, I'm just trying not to mess it up too much. So far, so good. But, more importantly than that..."
Count Tye looked at me and began to walk over to me. He then bowed to one knee and began to speak.
" Princess Sarah, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...