Chapter 187. Alliance's Tea Meeting

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                                                             Sarah Ericsson's Point Of View

" Please, sit at this table and enjoy yourselves!"

The shop owner's daughter, Maddie, who was acting as our waitress said that as we sat at the table we arrived at. Today, Anna, Ruby, Emily and I were giving a tour of Paradise to Charlotte. Since she would be living here from now on, we thought it best that she acquaints herself with the town as soon as possible. While we were making plans, Prince Delcan overheard us and asked John if he could do the same for him. Like that a convenient reason to separate from our husband had come. Anna and I had matters to discuss with our 3 new allies that we've recently had join our alliance.

" Here's the menu! I recommend the fruit pie! It's delicious!"

" Thank you, Maddie. We'll tell you about our order in a few minutes."

The day was quite cool, it seems the autumn had finally arrived. We had all dressed warmly, except for Ruby, the cold didn't seem to affect her as much as other people. John had left the house with a coat that Anna had knitted for him with the down time we had since the Humans left for Kuga. It was at times like this where I envied her. I spent most of my life training for battles and learning academic and political knowledge. Knitting was something I never thought I would need a skill like that, until about a year ago that is.

" Sarah, I think it's time we ordered."

Anna spoke to me. It seems everyone had their orders ready. We called Maddie over and began to order. Anna and I got the pie and cup of black tea each. Emily and Ruby chose to have a slice of cake with yellow tea. The dairy products that John has made has given new life to many of the chefs around Paradise. John had suggested using milk and butter with different baked goods to Jim. With that, a revelation occurred almost overnight. Dense and moist cakes and pies have become common place. Usually in Diablos, a cake or pie crust would be mostly dry and unappetizing, which is why the icing of a cake, and the fillings of the pies were usually runny and watery. Now everyone of them have improved by leaps and bounds. While this is great for our food in general, for women... It's a double-edged sword. John did mention that too much of these dairy products and the foods made with them could cause a person to become fat. Because of this, the women of Paradise are constantly battling their desires. Some have even started exercising with regrets in their eyes. My husband seems to have unknowingly created one of the most addicting groups of items in Gaia.

" I think, I'll try these milk chocolate cookies!"

Charlotte's voice broke me out of my train of thought. I got too distracted. We do have a reason for being here after all. I waited for Maddie to walk away to the kitchen to start making up our order. Emily, Ruby and Charlotte seemed to be looking forward to our afternoon snack after all of the walking we had done, but now it was time to lay a few things bare for everyone. Granted I think they already realized what was in each other's hearts. However, I think it's best that they all come clean, and we all can begin to work together. I suppose I'll need to include this all in my letters to Asha, Sharon and Cyn. I wonder what will happen after they find out they've gained another rival for John's affections? He even gained the attention of a foreign Princess. At the very least, I except a visit from my friends and sister soon.

" I think it's time to discuss something important before our tea arrive."

I began the conversation. I received the attention of the 3 of them with my words. Anna was simply waiting for me to continue.

" What is it, Sarah?"

Charlotte spoke with curiosity.

" Originally, I wanted to find a way for us to speak with each other privately. Today it was just going to be a simple tour, but with my husband being separated from us because of Prince Delcan. With that, I think we should begin to discuss our plans to advance the alliance's goals. In this case, the 2 big objectives today are to have Emily and Ruby begin to spark an attraction from Matthew, and to have Matthew grow a sense of trust with Charlotte."

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