Chapter 322. Funerals And Rings

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" And may they return to the light as they see the last of the dark of this world."

" Amen."

The traditional prayers given during the funerals were finally finished. The Faith Of The Dark Gods was quite an interesting religion to see work, despite its name, it actually focuses more on light than dark. The idea behind it is that the Gods Of The Dark control the darkness and we're all equal while in the darkness, so the followers of the religion pray to the benevolent Gods to take away the dark and replace it with light to walk through life with. And now, at the end of life, they pray that the deceased move into the light. I wonder just how close it is to being right? I've Angela, but she says it's against the rules to tell mortals what waits for them after their deaths, so I guess any guess is as good as another.

" My Love, where do you want to go now?'

" We should probably find the Harvey's now. We have something to give to Ms. Victoria after all."

Sarah spoke to me after they lowered the bodies into the graves. As they did this, I couldn't help but be thankful that I could save who I could, the victims of those controlling plants. I noticed a good collection of the people that I healed around us. They were grieving with the rest of the residents of Zana. I looked back at Sarah and Anna to see if they were okay with what I wanted to do.

" I'll take a look."

" That really is such a useful ability... How exactly did you end up being a maid?

Anna took my suggestion as the course of action; I saw the eyes around her shoulders began to wiggle through her black dress. At the same time, Princess Alice asked a question that I found it best not to answer. She was in a similar dress as Anna. Sarah was wearing the same dress as well. They were almost carbon copies of each other, all colored black. All 3 dresses were one piece dresses with long skirts made of thick fabric to fight against the cold of this bitter winter day. I was dressed in an all-black suit made of similar material. The sky was gray and looked like it was going to begin to rain on us, so I'd like to finish up here to avoid any of us getting sick from any rain. I almost couldn't believe that the weather changed that quickly here, Warrick did mention that the weather in the Rose Swamp region could go through different weather patterns quickly, but Paradise has mostly been relaxed, maybe we've just gotten lucky the past year?

" I've found them. They're directly to our left."

" Okay, let's move."

Anna alerted us to her successful tracking, with her words, we all began to follow Anna's steps to make our way to the Harvey's. After a few minutes, I saw Patrick's face in the crowd, I assumed he and Victor would be next to their family, and I was right.

" Marquess Matthew..."

Ms. Victoria greeted us, but I could see that she wasn't in a good mood, I doubt anyone was today, but I still needed to find her today so I could give her something that was given to me from Byron.

" I understand that you'd rather not speak to anyone today, but I-"

" I hate to cut in, Matthew, but can you tell Mom and Kim that I want them to know everything is going to be okay?"

" What?"

Ms. Victoria was confused because I stopped talking in the middle of my sentence. I looked to her and explained.

" Victor... he wants me to tell you and Kim that everything is going to be okay."

" I-I see..."

" You don't look well, so I'll try to make this quick. When we found their bodies... The coroner handed me this."

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