Chapter 325. Proposed Alliance Meeting

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                                                                   Anna Ericsson's Point Of View

" Should we wait for a bit, My Love?"

" Well, maybe this is her answer? We can't just expect someone to uproot their life in a week, right?"

" Maybe you're right?"

Sarah, John and Alice were questioning whether to wait or not for Ms. Victoria and Kim. Today was the day for us to finally head home, we decided to leave in the afternoon after everyone could enjoy a good breakfast. Now we're at the eastern gate preparing to head back east to Paradise. Well, we would be, if not for the fact that we're missing 2 people, unless they choose to stay in Zana that is.

" I don't know... What to you all think?"

" We could wait a bit, the weathers nice, My Love. If you use your Barriers, we could easily have some seats over here."

" I say we go; you did tell them what time we were leaving, right Matthew?"

" I did, but they could've gotten a late start, maybe they're trying to find something that's lost in their homes? What do you say Anna?"

" I can take a look with my eyes, instead of just wondering you know?"

" Oh... Well, are you okay with doing that? Wouldn't that invade their privacy?"

" Usually, but I'll just take a peek in their home to see."

" Okay. I'll leave it to you, Anna."

From all of the opinions I thought the quickest way to see what we should do was to just take a look into the home of the Harveys. After moving out of the middle of the road with our carriage and servants, we all sat on the Barriers that John had made, with that I began to take a look around with my eyes. Once I had closed my eyes and began to zero in on the Harvey home, I found the answer to the question.

" But it was right here!? Where could it have gone?"

" Mom! I found it! It rolled under the couch!"

" Good job Kim! Now we need to get going! Oh... We're making 2 Princesses and a Marquess wait on us! What are we going to do if they already left without us? Maybe I should just run?"

" No, maybe I should? I'd be faster."

I opened my eyes and turned to John, who was looking at me while I used my eyes. He's always so worried something will happen to me just because my attention moves towards whatever I'm trying to find.

" They're on their way, they were looking for something, but they found it. They seem to be arguing about just rushing or sending one of them to us to explain. They're nervous that we might be angry with them because of our Noble Titles."

" Hah... I thought I already explained to them not to worry about that and worry about what they want to do... Am I not using the right words or something?"

John looked dispirited. I could only place my hand on his to give him some form of comfort. Putting aside that he tried to be as gentle as possible when explaining everything to Ms. Victoria, there are still some habits that are hardwired into commoners when it comes to Nobles. Sure, our servants and those who spend time with John in Paradise understand what kind of person John is, but to ask that of a stranger whom we met not even a full week ago is a bit much to ask of them.

" You've done nothing wrong, My Love. Nobles have abused their ranks and status an immeasurable number of times all around Gaia. All you can do is be consistent with your actions and words, eventually your reputation will speak for itself. But you must remember that you need to always strive for balance, if you're too gentle and soft-"

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