" Yes, put the door right there!"
" On it!"
It's been 4 days since the hot spring water was discovered, since then Prince Delcan has been working diligently to form all of the barriers that will act as the walls for the hot spring waters. With everything proceeding smoothly, we've created a building around the first spring that we found, with the size of the pool, we were able to easily split it off into 3 sections, women's, families and men's in that order. I thought that was best to avoid any situations where the women may be peaked on by perverts. Right now, the building was quite bare bones as the final door was being cut into the back wall of the entrance hall of the building, but once that's done, we can add the simple things like a desk for a receptionist and the dressing room before you head into the hot springs. The only thing that will take an extended amount of time will be the faucets for washing yourself before stepping into the hot springs.
" Are you sure we can't just go and take a dip yet, Em?"
" No, not yet, the checklist hasn't been completed yet by the safety team."
" Really?"
" Yes, it takes some time to test it. Sure, the biggest issues like the germs are being looked after and treated accordingly, but we still need to check that the ventilation system is alright."
" But you have long walls with no roofs? Shouldn't that be fine?"
" It depends on the direction of the wind usually, which is what's being checked currently, along with any issues consuming the water and if it can cause skin rashes and the like. We'll need at least another 2 days; let alone the time it'll take to put in the actual cleaning stations before getting into the springs."
" It seems like so much work just to enjoy a hot bath."
" Well at least the team is quite spirited with their work."
" Yeah, there was quite a bit of scrutiny from everyone about Mat-... Lord Matthew establishing this team."
Ruby corrected herself before she made a mistake. While outside, we tend to refer to Matthew by his formal title since we're both commoners. Even though Ruby's family has a long illustrious history in the military, they've never actually achieved any Noble Titles. Lord Matthew agreed with my suggestion that it most likely was due to the former Lords Of Paradise not wanting the people of Paradise to have a preferred alternative to petition the Royal Family to replace them with. After agreeing with me, Ruby quickly stopped Matthew from thinking about granting Noble titles to the Flameskins and Iceskins that had achieved accolades in the military. His reasoning being that the people of Paradise should always be able to have an alternative option in case he commits an unforgivable mistake. They began to argue about it, eventually Ruby won the momentum of the argument by threatening to survey the people of Paradise and allowing them to complain directly to him about his choices. Matthew relented his idea once he heard the opinions of Ellie and Janet who were passing by while on the way to speak to Jim. Ellie began to tear up while asking if he was going to abandon everyone and Janet just stared at him with a look that seemed to say, " why are you making my daughter cry?". I decided to keep the conversation flowing, seeing as we really had nothing to do right now besides talk to each other.
" Yes, they thought the jobs were a waste of resources, but he's steadfast in that having safety protocols is something that should be a normal part of producing products. The only issue was finding people who wanted to do the job."
" Thankfully, your group had some leftovers."
" I wonder if that hurt the reputation of the job, though?"
" Meh, I don't think so, most of the time I just hear people grumbling about their shops not being up to their code, I think it's more that shopkeepers had to change how they ran their businesses after so long. Then someone would point out that it was Lord Matthew's own standards that even he was following strictly, and they seemed to relent."
The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
خيال (فانتازيا)Didn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...