Chapter 326. Emily And Ruby's Training

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                                                                        Emily Metis Point Of View

" Ahh.... It's so boring!!!!"

" You could help me organize this paperwork instead of just sitting on the couch you know?"

" Don't want to."

I could only sigh at Ruby's tantrum. This has been happening every day since Matthew left for Zana 2 weeks ago. I've been able to keep my mind occupied with the decent amount of paperwork that comes through the door every day. Most of it is according to what Matthew assumed would be made, such as the reports from the blacksmiths experimenting with what B through S-Class monster materials the hunting parties gather on their hunts. He's asked them to try and mix and match different materials to create unique items to sell, things like using Chopping Deer antlers together with Soft Fox teeth to make ornate hairbrushes and back scratchers that are meant to last a lifetime. It doesn't take a genius to realize he plans on selling this to people. Most experiments fail, but the chosen few that become decent products are then made to take priority now that all the materials to make weapons, armor and magical devices have been finished. Honestly, you'd thing we were stocking up for a war the past few months from reading the inventory reports from the armories around Paradise. That's not the only industry that Matthew wanted to hone in and experiment with, everyone who lives here already knows how much time he's put into the cuisine of Paradise, adding rare delicacies like the Demonic Alligators to staple parts of the diet. Medicine production is probably the next priority, he' already had the botanists and doctors start looking at the new plants that surround Paradise to see what is useable.

" Ah!"

Ruby interrupted my thoughts; she's seemed to notice something while I was overlooking the last of the paperwork.

" Emily! It's time to train!"

She was excited because she could finally stretch her legs.

" You realize I still have some work to do, right?"

" But you're almost done! Come on! You just need to figure out if Matthew needs to see it when he comes back, right?"

" That doesn't mean I can just leave it be and go train, I need some more time."

" But didn't you want to blow Matthew, Sarah and Anna's socks off with your growth when they come back? We need to be consistent to do that!"

Ruby was half staring at me and half staring out the giant window overlooking the town. Granted, her sights were focused more on the bottom right of the window, where you can barely make out the side of the training grounds on the property of this giant mansion that Matthew, Sarah and Anna live in. Even though all 3 complain about how they wanted a smaller more intimate home, the previous owners sure did pack the grounds with everything a Demon Noble would possibly need. From the training grounds to the garden to use to meditate as well as state of the art magical appliances that the servants are thankful for. And to top it all off, this big office with one of the best dimensional storage devices for paperwork I've ever seen. I hope they grow to appreciate how lucky they are to have it. Well, at least Ruby understands how nice it is. Seeing how she's looking at the training grounds the way a child does after being grounded by their parents.

" Fine, just let me finish looking over these pages."

I gave in and gave her what she wants.

" Great!"

Ruby's excitement finally boiled over. I quickly finished up the work in front of me and in only 30 minutes, Ruby and I were on the training field along with our guests.

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