Chapter 301. Praying While Blocking

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The flames continued to burn as if someone had poured gasoline on them. I was sitting quite close to them, but I didn't feel any heat being emitted by them. I apparently was the only one without any issue seeing as everybody else had begun gathering behind me and seemed to be avoiding me as if the raging fire was bothering them. I found it strange since the winter was fully here and the sun hadn't even risen yet. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't feel any of the heat because the flames are mine? As the golden color of the flames burned brightly in front of me, I turned around to join the rest of them. It looks like Byron had woken up as well. I turned around and began to walk over to them.





Just as I took my first step, a blood curdling scream came from behind me, I tried to turn but the next thing I knew I was flying towards Lady Cindy and Byron. I tried to figure out what just happened, but the pain in my right shoulder felt like someone hit it with a sledgehammer and stopped me from being able to think clearly. I grunted involuntarily as I slid on the ground until I landed on at the feet of Lady Cindy. It took everything I had to look up at the horror show in front of me.


" OOF!"

" Die!"

Without missing a beat, I was jumped on by the God Of The Blackwoods. I just don't know how he could do something like this. Even more so after he began to punch me with one blow after the other. Maniacal laughter escaped from his mouth with each swing of his hands, while the pain from his fists hitting my arms was terrible for me in my current state, that was far from the worst of it. From the smell of it, it looks like my flames burned away those spikes. I was a bit happy to see that, but I was less happy at the fact that he was still alive. Even more so, the smell that overpowered the smell of burning wood, the smell of burning flesh was omnipresent.

" Die! Die! Die!"

/THUmp! THump! Thump!/

As he yelled for me to die, he continued to punch me as hard as he could, with each strike it hurt a little less and less. I looked at him for the 2nd time as I let a crack in my guard appear after guarding my face and I could see what was going on. He was burnt to a crisp; His skin was black as burnt meat and was no doubt what I was smelling. His brown robe was gone... Or more likely burned to his skin since I couldn't see where his robe was gone and where his skin began. Numerous holes full of what looked like burnt blood had filled his body. That must've been where his spikes protruded from. His eyes were bloodshot and full of rage. It looks like the pain from the flames made him snap. That or when I cut him in half with the Holy Flame Sword. The top half of his body was being supported by what looked like 2 elongated and thinner spikes than what were coming out of his body before. Where does he keep them? He wouldn't stop screaming and I couldn't stop smelling the scent of burning flesh.


He was getting louder and louder as he punched and punched. It seems that the anger made him forget that he could summon his spikes? Or maybe he just wanted to use his own hands instead of a weapon? Either or, I couldn't do anything to stop him, I could barely get up and walk let alone properly defend myself. I need to do something even still, otherwise I'm going to get my head smashed in by him. I decided to use a Holy Bolt to blow him away as soon as he took a break to breathe. That would be my only chance.

/Thump! thump! thump! thump! thump!/

The moment feels like it would never come, the punching continued even though I could feel his power waning with each blow. If I had any actual stamina right now, I'd be able to take advantage of it. As it is now however, each movement of my arms feels like torture, each punch feels like a boulder pounding down on my arms, it's excruciating to bear and it's all happening so fast. I need a moment to think... A moment to breathe... A moment to stop hurting.

/thump! thump! thump!/

My prayers seemed to not be answered as the assault continued. I could hear the bones in my arms cracking under the strain of his blows. I can't do anything except defend. It's like all of those times before I arrived here in Gaia all over again, powerless to do anything.


He keeps calling for my death, it takes everything I have to spite him. I continue to pray for an opening, I start to wonder where everyone is? And just as I did, my question was answered.


" STOP!"


The fists stopped raining down like hail and I heard Byron's voice and then I heard Lady Cindy's voice. I didn't wait for an explanation, I just moved.

" Holy Bo-"

" WAIT!"

Lady Cindy screamed at me to stop what I was doing, I saw her eyes staring at me, her tears haven't stopped flowing since earlier. Despite the pain I was in and who was causing it, I did as Lady Cindy asked. I put my arm down but kept a close eye at who they've both locked arms with.

" Dad! Stop! Please!"

" I'm not your dad! I'm a God! A supreme being! Let go of me this instant, you ignorant children!"

Byron called out to the God Of The Blackwoods but was shut down in what was a familiar way of speaking I've heard throughout the night.

" I'm not talking to you! I'm talking to my Dad! Baron Franz Fracks! I'm calling to you! Please! Wake up! Don't let him take your good name and drag it through the dirt anymore! Please Dad! Fight him! You can do it! There's a reason why I'm still alive! I know it's because of you! Please Dad! We still need you! Come back!"

Byron pleaded for Baron Fracks to come back; I don't know if it's possible. I wouldn't really know considering I don't think I really met their father while he was sane. Byron, however, was less convinced of the control of the God Of The Blackwoods than I was. He hasn't stopped calling for his father to come back.

" Enough! He's gone! Never to awaken again! He's mine! What you're doing is useless! You'll never see him again! Now get off of me!"


The God Of The Blackwoods screamed at Byron with fury in his voice and swung his arm until Byron flew a few feet away. I kept my arms at the ready to use Holy Bolt as quickly as I could. But Lady Cindy was still looking at me with a look of disapproval in her eyes, why can't she just let me get him away from us?

" Oh what!? You think you're protecting your father by protecting me girl!? It's like I told you! It's useless! Get away from me!"

" Father! I know you're in there! I still love you! Please! You need to fight him! You can't let him do this! This isn't the end! You can atone for what's happened! We'll help you do it! But you need to fight his grip on you! Expel him! Please!"

Lady Cindy continued to cry, but she like Byron, continued to appeal to what could remain of her father. It was heartbreaking to watch what the siblings were doing. It was to everyone, except one perso-... No, person is the wrong word, one thing here didn't feel much of anything when the siblings spoke to him.

" Again, it's worthless girl! He's gone, dead, in a place your calls will never reach! He was a weak man with a fragile mind! Your mother dying was all that I needed to sneak into his body!"

His anger towards Lady Cindy and Byron is almost as great as the anger he feels towards me.

" Enough! If you're only going to continue to call to that clown of a father, then you're not worth leaving alive after all!"

After screaming his lungs out, the God Of The Blackwoods positioned Lady Cindy in front of him and aimed his fist for Lady Cindy's heart. I raised my hands as quickly as I could to use my Holy Bolt, but by the time I got them there, it was too late, or so I thought.


As I moved to protect Lady Cindy, a loud explosion of mana was fired from the God's body, a bright beam of pale light enraptured Lady Cindy and I both. By the time the light had finally faded, I couldn't feel the presence of the God Of The Blackwoods anymore, but the body was still there, only now, instead of a face of disgust and anger, I found the face of a weary, tired and sad old man. I wanted to ask who it was, but Lady Cindy and Byron both shouted the answer on both sides of me.

" Dad!"

" Father!"

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