Chapter 337. Hiding Some Reasons, Sharing Others

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" So, with that all squared away, why did you guys decide to drop by Paradise?"

I asked the question I was wondering about ever since I read that letter a few days ago. I couldn't really think of a reason as to why King Leonard and Queen Crystal needed to stop by to see me in particular. Their letter included a little section about wanting to speak to me, but I have no idea why, I mean besides acting as a middleman during the summit that was supposed to happen, I'm not sure what else they could need me for.

" Well, we were told that King Warrick and Queen Aqua would be arriving here to speak with us."

" What?"

I thought I heard them wrong for a moment, I mean, I just met with Warrick and Aqua a few weeks ago to drop off the paperwork that Byron and I signed. You'd think they'd tell me about it, right?

" Yes, they said they'd meet us here, since it would be easier for you if we met here instead of having you travel with us to act as the middleman. They didn't mention that to you?"

I remember that they asked if I would and I said sure, but I didn't think it'd happen this quickly.

" Yes, I recall them asking for me to do that, and I don't mind doing it... But I didn't know that it would be happening now. Do you have any idea when King Warrick and Queen Aqua are set to arrive here?"

" They didn't give us a date, they just said to let you know. Something about "checking your growth" from Queen Aqua was mentioned. Do you have any idea what she meant by that?"

I rolled my eyes and looked up at the ceiling in response to King Leonard's words.

" Another prank? Just to see if I've built myself up since then... She's seriously too strict and lax at the same time."

I mumbled to myself about Aqua's idea. Simply put, I can tell that she just wants to check my growth. She and Warrick are both still at Blackstone, they're waiting for me to arrive and teleport them back here... Do I have enough mana to do it now though? I don't think I'll know until I try? With the small amount of testing, I've done since figuring out I Advanced my mana quality, I think I could definitely bring Sarah or Anna with me...

" Built? Are you talking about that building that's under construction?"

" Hm?"

Queen Crystal apparently made out a word that I mumbled... She wasn't wrong about the word, but she was wrong about what it meant. Before I brought up what I was going to have to do, I figured I could explain to her what the big building was.

" No, I wasn't talking about the building. However, the building you're talking about is going to be a school for kids to go to... Maybe the adults as well if they want to seek some kind of higher education as well, but I'd need to know what they'd be interested in learning about."

" School for adults?"

King Leonard seemed surprised by what I said, if I had to guess it was because the idea of adults returning to education is something that doesn't happen in Diablos... No... I'd guess judging by their reactions, it doesn't happen in Darkheim either... Maybe all of Gaia?

" Put simply, I'm sure that there's some people that would like to either switch their jobs or become more valuable by learning more about their trade. For instance, a Baker who's bad with money may want to take a shot at learning finance. Or maybe have his wife or child try their hands at learning it so he'd be able to focus solely on the products."

" But that's only an afterthought for you, right? What's the original prepose for the school? You usually have something else going on, right?"

The room went silent as everybody realized that King Leonard just did something inappropriate. I raised an eyebrow to King Leonard's question... Frankly that's a bit too much information that I'd be willing to give to an outsider. As a King, King Leonard should know he's asking something like that would come off as rude to me. Basically, as a Foreign King seeking to establish a connection with Diablos... No just as a Foreign King visiting my lands, him asking me about my plans that I don't volunteer to explain to him is seen as forcing pressure on me. Also to be honest, I don't really want to explain to anyone I can't fully trust what I plan on doing with my school... What should I do about this? My silence must've been deafening as I thought how to get out of this situation. King Leonard seemed to realize that he made an error by asking me that. Charlotte was looking back and forth at her father and me. Delcan was still in a haze as Lady Kate didn't let go of his hand. Both of their siblings were simply looking at me waiting to see what my reaction was. Queen Crystal looked to remedy the situation. First, she grabbed her husband's hand and then addressed me.

" Sorry about that Marquess Matthew, it's just that you've shown us that your ideas are so interesting, like with your ice cream for instance. My Husband was excited to see if your idea was as interesting as your ice cream is all."

They work well as a team. King Leonard looked relieved that his wife was able to spin it in a way where I wouldn't feel threatened or pressured. I guess I should hit them with a half-truth... No maybe I should only tell them the original purpose of creating the school? That should hide any of the other ideas I've been thinking of. They're parents as well who've suffered because of Charlotte's past as well... They shouldn't press the issue past it.

" Well... I guess I can share it with you... Admittedly, I don't like to bring it up since it's a selfish reason."

" Selfish?"

King Leonard was surprised by my words. Along with him repeating my words, the rest of the room, sans my Wives and Delcan all breathed in relief that I decided to answer King Leonard's curiosity. Once the ones who breathed a sigh calmed their nerves, they all realized what I said, and their own curiosity grew like King Leonard's. I guess I shouldn't keep them waiting.

" Yes, selfish. You see, I'm Human as you know. I've had my fair share of problems because of it. Least I remind you how I met Princess Charlotte originally."

" I thought we moved past that!?"

Charlotte took exception to my example. No, she just seemed a little embarrassed.

" How did you meet Charlotte, Marquess Matthew?"

" She tried to attack me, Lady Kate."

" It was a mistake!"

" I don't know that sword swing felt pretty sure of itself..."

I answered Lady Kate's question and decided to tease Charlotte a little. Now she's pouting a little... I guess I should add onto it.

" Granted, I respected her for doing it, I could tell from that sword swing that it was forged through great effort. If I had to fight her with just my martial ability Princess Charlotte would've either killed or bested me then and there... Thankfully I have some magic and some tricks using magic up my sleeve."

I could see Charlotte's mouth lift up to a slight smile from my words. I think that's a mission accomplished. I turned back to the King and Queen and noticed they both had a strange look in their eyes. They weren't angry that I teased Charlotte... It was something different? Well, either way they weren't bringing anything up, so I decided to keep explaining my original reason for the school to them.

" Continuing on, I've received... Similar treatment here in Diablos. Eventually, my Wives and I are going to have children."

" Ah."

" I see."

Both King Leonard and Queen Aqua seemed to get what I was saying just from that.

" So?"

But the kids are a separate matter. Both Prince Donatello and Princess Melissa looked as if they still didn't connect the dots and Lady Kate wanted an answer.

" Eventually those children who would be half-Human and half-Demon would need to go to one of the 3 schools that are quite far from my home here in Paradise. So, I'd rather have a school here where my people already know and respect me, regardless of my being a Human."

* Grip! Grip!*

Both Sarah and Anna gripped my hands as I spoke. As I've already shared everything about the Acadamy I plan on making, they already knew that this is the original and most important reason for why I'm making it... But there's a few other important reasons as well, but that's for us to know and everyone else to figure out later.

" You... Really..."

King Leonard looked impressed with my reasoning. Looks like he's satisfied with that. Queen Aqua was looking warmly at Charlotte after I finished speaking... Why did her eyes drop to her stomach though? 

" That may be selfish, but I don't think you should be ashamed of doing that. Doing something like making a school for the people you love isn't a thing to be sad about."

Princess Melissa punctuated the topic with some words to make me feel better about my original reason... I wonder how'd she feel if she'd known the other reasons?

" Moving on though... Where are King Warrick and Queen Aqua, Marquess Matthew?"

And like a gunshot in an elevator, Prince Donatello opened up another can of worms I'll need to deal with.

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