" Who are all of you?"
My confusion is only growing, the first question that came to my mind was the only one I could say without stumbling my words.
" Like I said, we're the past holders of the Calamity Spear Demon Job."
" But..."
" Yes, how are we here, right? Gods! I can't believe that our Job's abilities have been lost to time."
With a mixture of sadness and anger, Lance tried his best to compose himself before speaking.
" Hey! How come you get to explain it, Lance!? You already had a moment to shine! Let me do it!"
" Seriously, Thea? Sure, knock yourself out. I was just a Warrior back during my day anyways, you can explain it to our Successor."
" Yay! And don't talk down to yourself like that! You led the Tribe for a time to! That's why that crown is on your head, dummy!"
" I miss when you'd call me Mr. Lance with respect."
Lance rubbed the back of his head as he walked over to the silent 10 observers behind him. While that was happening, a happy voice called out to me.
" Hello there now! I'm Thea! I'm the 6th holder of the Calamity Spear Demon Job!"
A wide smile spread on the face of the loud woman in front of me. With long deeply orange hair and light green eyes, it was easy to see that she was a pretty girl. Her skin was pale, however? I wonder if she was really such a warrior that she'd unlock a Calamity Job...
" Why am I pale!? Right?"
" Please can you stop doing that?"
" Well, it's kind of hard to if you compliment me so much in your mind. Gosh I'm blushing!"
She began to wiggle around strangely as she shifted from standing and bending her knees. Such a different impression compared to how Lance introduced himself she's a lot more...
" I know! he's so stoic for no reason! Relax! Just sit back and let Big Sis Thea explain it all for you!"
With a snap of her fingers, Ms. Thea summoned a large white table with matching chairs, enough for all of us to sit at. It's almost like the meeting room for my Father's counsel.
" Ah so my designs are still in use today! That's great!"
Again, my mind was peaked inside of. But at this point I guess I shouldn't let it bother me. Ms. Thea took her seat at the table. She gestured with her hands for me to do the same and I did as she asked. Once I had sat down, the other 11 followed my lead and sat as well. I couldn't help but notice that my seat was by itself while they all sat next to each other.
" Now then, just so you don't feel left out, the table sort of needs to be made like this. The reason being is that you're the only one on the living side after all."
" Okay, I can understand that. Now do you mind explaining why it is that I'm speaking to the dead? To be honest, it feels kind of unnatural... I mean I'm not even a Necromancer or anything."
" Yes, this ability used to feel weird to me as well, but in time I grew to think of it as normal. To explain very briefly without touching on the spellwork needed for it, All of the Calamity Jobs were created to be counters to the other Races different special Jobs. I believe Lance already said this."
I nodded my head to her words and waited for her to continue on.
" The way we achieved this was through a combination of sacrifices to various Gods and different Blood Magic, Soul Magic and finally strong Demons that were willing to give their lives to our Race."

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...