" The food seems to be coming soon, as a matter of fact. Perhaps it should be after we all eat?"
Byron cut into the small talk that Count Fracks and Lady Cindy were beginning to have about her going to another table. Seems that Lady Cindy agreed with her brother. I guess it's important to sit in the assigned seat? I mean, the Fracks family are all being served cheesecake. So, I guess it would make sense?
" How could you drink this much, this early!?"
" My Goodness!"
Two voices cut through the noise of the celebration. It was Lady Kina and Lady Diana calling out to their respective husbands. Seems that Gwaid and Max swiftly moved from their father's sides to their mother's sides. Seems their decision making is quite fast for being so young. Hearing the voices of their wives, it seems Count Sark and Count Gorse woke up out of their stupors.
" Relax, Kina, I'm just having a bit of fun! Look! Me and Gor are fine! Isn't that right Gor!"
" Yeah! Dia! I'm fine! Promise!"
It seems that even the nauseousness and tiredness that was beginning to affect them had worn off.
" Seems we're not the only ones to have our husband in line, Anna?"
" Yes, Sarah. Maybe we should try training him to wake up at the sound of our voices next?"
My wives, who I thought were only joking seemed to be taking this idea very seriously as I looked at the determined look in their faces.
" Sarah, Anna. Please, cut me some slack."
Both of them looked at me and began to giggle. This let me relax myself a bit.
" Relax, Darling."
" Yes, Anna's right, My Love. You'd be sleeping as we'd teach you to do that anyways."
Oh, they were laughing at the idea of taking it easy on me... Maybe I should use " brute mode" a bit more in the future to tire them out? No, it wouldn't work regardless. If I've learned anything about my wives in these almost 2 years of marriage, it's that my wives will accomplish whatever they set their minds to. Speaking of setting minds, I need to find a moment to talk about Count Fracks with them again. His mana and the strange feeling I get from his eyes... It's almost too strange.
/Gong! Gong! Gong!/
A loud gonging sound interrupted my thoughts, seems that dinner has finally arrived. The servers have begun to walk out carrying trays of food. Seems that each table is going to be served a course meal. Not a terrible idea, either that or a buffet. I struggle to imagine the hell that a party full of drunk Demons aiming for the final scrap of food on a hot plate would be. I'm sure Byron would've planned for something like that, but I'm thankful he did the sane option of serving everyone a course. Granted, it's a course fit for a Demon's stomach so it'll even out to a buffet's amount of food either way. I'd imagine that Princess Alice, Wendy and I will be passing off what we can't eat to Sarah, Anna, Ellie and our guards. Speaking of which, Heather and Brick seem to like what is being served as they've started to drool at the food. Seeing a beauty like Heather beginning to drool at the sight of food is a strange sight to behold. Flare on the other hand was busy playing a card game with the kids and Princess Alice. Oh, they've noticed the appetizers are coming now.
" Well, I guess we should head to our tables for now, it was lovely to speak to you, Marquess Drake."
With Count Fracks's words, the small talk ended. Sarah and Anna nearly dragged me back to our table, I knew skipping lunch was a bad idea. Before long the appetizers landed on our table. It was a mix of meats, vegetables and sauces ranging from spicy to savory. No one around the table really made a sound as they all enjoyed the food. However, I wanted to try the rest of the courses, so, while no one was looking, I warped some of the meats and veggies into the hands of my guards. I silently apologized to them that I couldn't dip the food in the sauces, but they were appreciative none the less, even more so when Wendy and Princess Alice signaled me that they were done. Since our guards were so close and the food was so small, I barely felt any drain on my mana.

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasíaDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...