Chapter 270. A New Enemy, A New Stalemate

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2 more cracks appeared on the other eggs. This wasn't good.

" Holy Flam-"


A black vine pulled my arm away from aiming. I glared at the God Of The Blackwoods as I cut the vine with Scarlet.


The 4th egg cracked. I failed to destroy them. I turned to the girls and began to cast a different spell.

" Holy Mantle."

My mana covered the 3 of them so I had 1 less worry for whatever was coming, the only real question at this point was what the hell was coming to us. The answer was slowly emerging, with the sound of water pouring out of the eggs, each egg had a pair of greenish brown hands bursting out of the top of them and pushing both sides of the eggs out of the way. The first thing I noticed was the mixed black and green hair raising out of the eggs.

" Holy Flame!"

I saw enough, I launched another assault of flames their way to try and end the new headaches from sprouting fully. The fact that other plants didn't try to block my flames told me that we were far too late in stopping it.


My 4 flames hit the targets... It looks like all I did was blow the shells away from their contents.

" People?"

Princess Alice again, said what was on everyone's minds as we stood there observing our new problems.

" They didn't even flinch from your flames."

Sarah spoke in surprise, but to be fair, they were being mostly blocked by the eggs. Even with that, if I can't use my flames, I have other ideas about how to destroy these things. Anna should also be able to do something as well. Regardless, in front of us were 4 human-like entities. They all looked like green statues with black and green long flowing hair. It was what looked like 2 men and 2 women all standing in a line, mirroring us and they were getting ready to attack us, just like we were about to do for them.

" How do we want to handle this?"

Anna asked a question that our enemies answered for us, all 4 of these things summoned a sword with mana the same colors as their hairs. It was like the flame spear that I made earlier; I would wonder if those swords they made would even clash with our weapons.


Seems like the answer to my question is coming to me for free. All 4 of the enemies came after us.

" Get ready!"

Anna called to everyone to protect themselves, we all raised our swords to prepare for them to attack us. Before long, they swung their swords at us. We all moved our blades into position to clash with their swords, only for a problem to immediately rear its head.


Their blades didn't clash with our weapons! They phased through them like we were swinging our weapons through fire! This isn't good! I can't defend!


All of a sudden, a loud clanging sound had invaded my ear drums, I looked at the source as rumbling began to shake everything around us. The blade that was swung at me was stopped? It wasn't moving from my chest, no... Not my chest... My mana! My Holy Mana is defending against the literal Mana Sword of my enemy! I looked to my right where all of the girls were to see that they were in the same position as me! My worrying paid off! My Holy Mantle is defending them! I could feel a smile forming as the worry of losing the 3 of them dissipated. Now though, it was our turn to attack! And I did so happily!

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