Chapter 346. Friends With Royalty?

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                                                                     John Ericsson's Point Of View

" Strange to think that it's come up so quickly. I'll need to visit again when I can."

Prince Delcan spoke to me as we waited for the carriage to arrive to take him and his family back to his home in Darkheim. It was finally the day for the Nyx Royal Family to leave Paradise after spending a week here resting and relaxing. King Leonard and Queen Crystal were currently speaking to Warrick and Aqua. Sarah and Anna were currently speaking to Ruby and Emily about something, so I was simply standing with the Nyx children waiting for the carriage to come. And to be honest... I'm so thankful that they're leaving. I have been dragged to nearly every shop in my city, interrogated about my decisions to allow these shops to open here in Paradise as well as other questions like why I choose to stay in Diablos among other things. Usually, I'd find some polite way to tell the person asking the question to fuck off, but considering the questions came from either a King, Queen, or 1st Princess, I had to dodge landmines as I tried to avoid offending people. This all doesn't even include the fact that I couldn't do much for Charlotte as she was teased relentlessly by her sister. Constantly having her sit next to me and make her uncomfortable by bringing up marriage and age... It was all so much to deal with, eventually I would be released for the day... Only to realize the dread of knowing I'd have to do it all the next day.

" You'll be busy for the foreseeable future however, Delcan."

Each day became more exhausting than the last. Eventually I couldn't even relax in my baths as I thought about what other thing, they would put me through the next day. I guess the only silver lining is that the Nyx family seems to have a positive opinion of Paradise as they were exploring it. Granted I think the reason why Princess Melissa had such a bright smile the entire time was the bullying that she was doing to her sister and I as I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. All I could do was pray again to any God that would hear me to keep her away from me from now on.

" Look at the two lovebirds! I can't help but wonder when you'll be like that with your Hubby, Char. Wouldn't you like that, Marquess Matthew?"

And like that, my prayers disappeared into the wind like dust piles on the ground. For some reason the Nyx children couldn't stop interacting with me, once I would think that one of them would be finished speaking to me, one of the others would approach me. Charlotte of course wasn't much of an issue. I enjoy talking to her since I'm comfortable with her. Prince Delcan seemed to come to me only to escape the awkward tension he had with Lady Kate. It seems that having his reasoning about letting his friend have the apprenticeship has him feeling emotionally naked in front of her. So, to escape that, he would run to me. I didn't mind so much, since we only spoke about simple things. As I said before, Princess Melissa just seemed to want to tease me for some reason... Maybe she's just an S, but I can safely say that I'd rather not play the M role unless Sarah or Anna really want me to. That becomes even more so when I'm being forced into that position because of our Noble Titles. I definitely do feel like I was being taken advantage of, but something about her actions feels off. Like she kept trying to check something through our reactions. As for Prince Donatello, he seemed to only be observing me from afar... I wondered what caused them to view me so cautiously? Regardless of that, I have some answering to do.

" As for you, Princess Melissa. I think it's nice that Lady Kate is so honest about what she wants. That's what helped Sarah and I end up together and in return how I was able to confess to Anna. As for Princess Charlotte, I just wish for her to be happy, and I'll be happy to help her with that any way I can. As for your question Prince Delcan, you'll always be allowed to visit your sister in Paradise whenever you want, like I've said, I have no want or desire to keep Princess Charlotte away from her family."

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