" So, what is it that you wanted to talk about, Matthew?"
Byron, Lady Cindy, Sarah, Anna, Princess Alice and I were all sitting in the office room of the townhouse... Why is Princess Alice here though? Lady Cindy said that Byron was able to speak to me and we all walked into the office together... I didn't pay it any thought until she sat down... Why is she here? I looked at Sarah and Anna, but Sarah just whispered a few words to me.
" You don't want a repeat of what happened as we were walking back, now do you?"
With what sounded more like a threat than an explanation, I decided to just roll with it.
" Is whatever you're going to talk about involve Bestia?"
It seems Byron also noticed how weird it was that a Foreign Princess had joined us for this talk. I turned to him with a confused expression and told him the truth.
" No..."
" Then why?'
" Umm..."
Princess Alice must've been searching for a believable excuse. Not wanting for her to remember her time with us as a " bad" experience, I decided to throw her a bone with a bold-faced lie.
" Well, the 2nd issue I wanted to talk about was the business deal for Roseland Products. Bestia is also looking to make a partnership with us. With that being said, Princess Alice has tasted products besides the desserts that we gave you guys for the party, so you could defer to her for her opinion as a consumer during that discussion."
Or in other words, she's here, so she's here guys. Or at least, that's what I thought while taking a breath after that mouth full of bullshitting. I waited for Byron and Lady Cindy's reactions to my words, only to hear a slight happy purring sound and giggling from behind me. I'd imagine that'd be sounds from Princess Alice. Maybe I'm being too nice to her? Just as I was thinking this, Sarah and Anna placed their hands on my hands.
" You're indulging her a bit too much don't you think, Darling?"
" Alle isn't going to run and say that Diablos is a terrible place, My Love. Spoiling her too much could be an issue in and of itself."
Both Sarah and Anna both whispered something under their breaths, but I couldn't fully hear them as it was too low and too fast to hear. All I could hear was something about "indulging" and " spoiling", so I think I may have made a wrong move somewhere and now they want me to do that for them tonight... I don't think doing that in such a small house is appropriate though? Well, small maybe selling it short, but I'd feel weird doing the deed in a home like this.
" Well, okay, these other dishes do stroke my curiosity though. What's the first thing you wanted to talk about, Matthew?"
Lady Cindy seemed to be suspicious with my explanation, maybe I should just have Sarah take out some more ice cream to ease her guard during the talks right now? I mean, I don't think the topics are in any way bad for Zana or the Fracks kids though? Ah, I should just start with the most pressing matter.
" Well, my first discussion topic is about the plants and soil around Zana."
" Yes, I've been trying to figure out what to do about that, the best thing I could do is gather the farmers and other agricultural jobs to find out what to do to start healing the land."
" Well, yes about that, I wanted to ask your permission as the Lord of Zana to heal the lands myself, I should be able to get it done in 3 or 4 days, if you'd let me."
" Come again?"
" WHAT!?"
Byron seemed to not believe his ears and Lady Cindy was full of shock. At this moment, I really did see how they were siblings, they had the same look on their faces after all.

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...