Chapter 364. A Day Out With Royalty

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" Sorry about this, Matthew..."

" Don't worry about it, if Sarah and Anna thought it was a good idea, I don't see why we can't just enjoy the day."

" Right... I guess I should stop feeling guilty if you put it like that."

I nodded to Alice's words. Currently, I was in line with Alice. We were currently in a small shop in Paradise, we were grabbing some refills for our drinks as a matter of fact. We had just finished lunch. Granted we weren't alone, I looked back to see King Alan and Queen Aria speaking to each other while looking at us.

" Am I not trusted?"

I couldn't help mumbling out my thoughts. It's been like this since yesterday. Once I Contracted Harry, he had a long chat with Lily before he told me that he would stay Contracted to me, after I told Sarah and Anna about it... They were happy for me, but I found out that they had their own developments while I was meditating. The Kings and Queens decided that their families deserved a personal tour from me, the Fief Lord of the greater area, but also the Town Lord of Paradise. I was going to argue it, but I was held back by Sarah and Anna. They said that it would just be a 3-day assignment and at night we'd be able to relax. Well... I don't know about me relaxing. We still have Cynthia, Alice and Charlotte staying with us, so I'm really only able to relax in our bedroom. Not so much because I don't like our guests, I'm friends with them after all... But they're still unmarried women in my house, I don't want to do anything untoward towards them... It'd be even worse than usual since they're all Princesses as well. Regardless, as you can tell, I said yes to what was requested of me. Yesterday, I took Warrick, Aqua and Cynthia on a more hands on tour than the last time they were here. I wondered why Sarah wasn't there, but she insisted on training yesterday with Anna, Ruby, Alice and Charlotte. It was a bit strange, but it was a pleasant day, Cynthia was really interested in everything I had to show them. Warrick and Aqua were just as happy to lay low and enjoy the sights of the city.

" Hey, where should we go after this?"

Alice asked a question as we returned to the table with her parents. I could see that King Alan and Queen Aria were interested in the answer as well.

" Well, we have 2 choices really. I could show you the military monument in the eastern part of the city, or I could show you the cattle ranch. The choice is really up to you."

I looked at the Bestia Royal Family as they thought about their choices. While Alan and Alice were wondering what to do... Which I'm not sure why, since I'm pretty sure Alice has been to the monument already. What could she be thinking about then?

" So, Marquess Drake... Would you mind if I just call you Matthew?"

" By all means, Queen Aria."

I gave permission to Queen Aria calling me by name, but this didn't seem to satisfy her?

" Is something wrong, Queen Aria?"

I decided to get to the bottom of this quickly. I don't want them having a bad time here.

" Well, it's just that it makes no sense to call me by my Formal Title if I'm only calling you by name, Matthew. Don't you already call Alle by name?"

An alarm bell was going off in my head as I quickly looked to King Alan... But he didn't seem to find anything wrong with me calling Alice by her name... In fact...

" Speaking of which, J... Matthew! Why don't you call me by my name too? I mean you already call Warrick by name in private! You can do the same with us!"

He's actually in favor of it? Queen Aria quickly continued on from her husband's request.

" As you can see, we may be a Royal Family, but Sarah and Cynthia are somewhat like daughters to us, it doesn't make sense to either of us that her husband wouldn't be able to speak to us as members of her family, I hoped that you could begin to think of us as family moving forward."

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