Chapter 299. Back In The Fight

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                                                                    John Ericsson's Point Of View


Sarah and I both landed on the ground after landing a blow on the God Of The Blackwood. The punch I landed felt odd, however. I looked at my fist and didn't see anything wrong with it... Wait, those spikes... They're coming out of him aren't they?

" Hey those spikes..."

" They're coming out of his body, and he can manipulate them."

Lady Diana answered my question as she rushed ahead of me. Count Tye was in a bad way. I'll need to fix that.

" Holy Heal."

My mana was able to enter him without any trouble thankfully. He's still unconscious, but the bleeding has stopped and only his light brown skin is visible. There wasn't even a scar remaining. I was glad to see that whatever had harmed Sarah didn't seem to extend to Count Tye, it looks like whatever spell he used to block my mana isn't in effect right now. I hoped that the reason why was that he was too weak to use it.

" He's getting up!"

Count Sark called out to us that our enemy was raising back to his feet. I appreciated it, but I've been keeping an eye on him ever since Sarah and I sent him flying away. I turned to the group and started to speak.

" Lady Kina, Lady Diana, Phil, Gordon, stay here, cast spells, watch over Count Tye. Anna, stay at mid-range and look for openings to attack. Alice, Sarah, you're with me, we're the front liners. We need to strike hard and fast. He should be looking to take me out first, use that to our advantage, understood?"

Sarah, Anna and Alice all looked at me with discontent, but I felt this was the best idea for now. At the end of the day, he's going to want to attack me the most... Or Sarah or Anna. With that, Anna's the one who's mana is lowest. Sarah is also tired, but she still has a good amount of mana to go, as for me, I'm sitting at around 16% myself, and now I'm planning how to finish off a God. He's tired, sure, but he's a God, nonetheless. Judging by the fact that the sound he made earlier when he teleported was so faint compared to before, I'm guessing he really is running on fumes, those spikes of his... They're automated, they're shifting as I observe him. Are they some type of spell that doesn't need a steep price in mana to use? Maybe it's a trait of his body, like how Beastmen have sharp senses or Demons have better constitutions and physical strength compared to Humans?


The spikes on his right hand begin to spin as I contemplate his abilities. I guess I'll need to figure things out as we go along, since I just can't have an easy exchange with this guy for once.

" Sarah, Alice, let's go!"

I run forward towards him, Sarah and Alice followed after me.


I jumped into the air to start the assault on him, he seemed impatient about something, I assume it's the fact that we attacked too quickly for him to fully finish what he was planning on doing.


The spinning lance-like combination of spikes were thrusted at me, but I had faith in my Holy Mana that was imbued in my fist. Holy Martial Arts had done we well so far, I figure it should get me through this as well.

/ Grip!/

" No!"

" Woah!"

Just as I was ready to throw my weight into the punch, I was pulled back by someone behind me.

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