The look on the receptionist's face as I inched closer under the stares of around 40 Demons was quite amusing. Her shoulder-length pale blonde hair seemed to be influenced by her emotions as her hair went from curled on the side to now standing in the air like she was electrocuted. It's a shame really, she had a cute atmosphere about her and now she's looking at me like I'm a convicted criminal or something. Regardless of the stares coming in my direction... Or the ones that are being returned by my wives and our guards... And our maids... And 1 Beastmen. Thankfully, it seems that the fact that I was leading the group, it meant that people weren't paying attention to either Princess Alice or Wendy. Eventually, I made it to the desk and began to speak.
" I'm Marquess Matthew Drake, I was told that Sissi's is where Lord Fracks would have me stay."
The look on the receptionist's face changed to shock as she listened to my words.
" AH! Room 203!"
I tilted my head to the side as her words made no sense to me. It seems that those words meant something more to her than the presence of a Human.
" What about " room 203"?"
My words brought the somewhat panicked woman back to looking at me. I waited to hear an answer to her question.
" Due to some unforeseen circumstances... I'm afraid that your lodging has become unhospitable."
" Mind explaining why that is?"
" A pipe burst, Hu--- Marquess Drake."
I'm not sure if she corrected herself from fear of disrespecting a Marquess or if it was done because there were multiple sources of killing intent pouring out from the people behind me. However, with hearing what the receptionist said... It looks like we're out of a place to sleep for the next few days. I looked back at the receptionist and asked the only thing a tourist could when confronted with this kind of circumstance.
" So, what should we do from here?"
" Uhm... We're technically waiting for an answer, Marquess Drake. We sent a busboy to the Lord's castle to see what he would like to do. From what we understand here at Sissi's, all the other hotels and taverns are stuffed full of guests for Lord Fracks's Birthday. We've been waiting for a reply since he should've been back by now."
" Would it be okay for us to wait here; in case this busboy returns?"
" By all means... However..."
" I'm a Human?"
The " H" word seemed to have hit the nail on the head. I don't know if things would turn violent, but it definitely looks like by my being here, I've made the drinks taste worse. Also, my entire group besides me are staring right back.
" Alright, thank you for being so helpful. Have a good day."
I turned around and began to leave with everyone following suit. I guess I should just go directly to Lord Fracks's Home and see what we can do about this. I'll ask Sarah and Anna's opinion on it as well.
Heather slammed the big door to Sissi's shut and then we went to find Edmon and the rest. It didn't take long, since they were on their way from the stables, it seems they've been denied as well.
" Lord Matthew, we weren't allowed to stable the horses."
Edmon spoke to me.
" We weren't allowed to go to our room. By extension, I guess you guys are also out of a room as well."
" Why?"
" Apparently, a pipe burst in one room. What a coincidence, am I right?"
" How can they deny access to a room from a Marquess? That makes no sense!"

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...