John Ericsson's Point Of View
" Have to save them..."
I look at him in front of them, I need to...
Everything went dark... What was I doing?
" You were fighting an enemy that you shouldn't have even been near at this point! And even worse, now he wants to kill you!"
A familiar voice answers my question...
" Angela?"
" Of course it's me!"
" AH!"
I looked up to see Angela, only... She was crying giant tears the kind you'd expect to see in cartoons. Once I had looked up, she smacked me in the cheek, the smack wasn't really hard or anything, it was more of a " How could you make me so worried" kind of thing. She wrapped her arms around me after smacking me.
" Angela, it's fine, I'm alive.... Still... Speaking of which, could you send me back? I reall-"
" Absolutely not!"
My question was rejected outright. I then felt my upper body being rocked forward and backward. Angela was shocking me.
" Do you have any idea how worried I was! I had to sit back and watch you fight that lowest tier of scum! And worst of all! I couldn't help you! It was maddening!"
" AnGeLa, StOp ShAkInG Me!"
I call to her to try and stop the bout of motion sickness I was beginning to experience; I didn't even know I could get motion sick here in this world, but apparently, I can.
" How can I stop! You're just going to try and go back there! Aren't you!?"
Angela's face was covered in tears as she yelled at me. I felt bad, but I do need to go back... I can't just leave Sarah and Anna to fight that thing by themselves, Holy Mantle won't last much longer.
" I need to go back, Angela. If not, he might kill Sarah or Anna or the kids that are still down there that can't do anything! They need my help."
" No!"
" Angela!"
I was starting to grow exasperated by her. I can't just sit here while they fight, that isn't right. I need to get back as soon as possible.
" Angela, it's not right for me to sit here and do nothing, while everyone is fighting for their lives. I need to go back... Wait! You know this guy right!? You called him the lowest tier of scum, right? Who is he?"
" No, I'm not telling you!"
" Angela, please..."
She began to pout, it seems like I'm going to be here for a while, why can't she just tell me? I could really use the help right now.
" It's because you're going to immediately jump down there and try fighting him again! Don't you get it!? You can't beat him as you currently are! If you were more seasoned as a Paladin, then maybe... But not currently!"
" But Angela! I'm already there!"
" Yes! But he can't take your soul while I have you here! You're safe here!"
" Maybe! But everyone else isn't!"
" Aren't I important to you to!"
" Yes! But you're not at risk of dying right now! Sarah and Anna and the rest are! I have to help them!"

The Demon King's Paladin Part 1 Vol 2.
FantasyDidn't know there was a chapter limit on Wattpad. This is continuing on from chapter 180 of my original story The Demon King's Paladin. And from how big the story in my head is. I apologize in advance for all the parts I'll need to add from now on...