Chapter 327. Springs And Earth Magic

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" See!?"

" Harold, calm down. It's just water."

" But look at it, it's coming from the ground and it's super-hot! It's a hot spring, isn't it?"

" Even with that, did you really need to run at us screaming bloody murder?"

" But Mr. Doug said we needed to find Ms. Emily to see what we should do?"

Ruby spoke to her little cousin Harold, and they were going back and forth about the current issue. Simply put; while digging around the northeast area outside the walls of Paradise, the miners struck a natural spring that erupted out of a hill side... No, maybe I'm wrong, looking at it closely, it looks more like the top of a mountain. How the top of a mountain has blended into the hillside is more of a question for Anna since she can speak to the Water Goddess that cursed this land all those years ago. Regardless, the water was shooting out of the wall that was struck like a volcanic eruption, thankfully the hot water that was currently raining down and soaking the area was eventually hitting a stream that was behind us. Apparently, they did some testing, and it seems there's a few places that are likely connected to the same underground spring that caused this strange sight.

" How nice, it's like a natural bath, isn't it Char?"

" Yes, I've heard of these before, Del. Apparently the original Darkheim had a bunch of bathing areas called " hot springs". Now they're mostly in the northern parts of Promethia and the southwestern parts of Elfheim."

" Yes, those lands in Elfheim were the original Darkheim after all."

Princess Charlotte and Prince Delcan were having their own conversation, the first thing I need to do is speak to the captain of this mining group to see what can be done.

" Harold, where is the mining group Captain?"

" Hm? Oh, you mean old man Frank. He's right there."

Harold pointed to a yellow skinned Demon with a long white beard and a bald head. He had a new hardhat made from the shell of a D-class monster called Killer Turtle. It's a fairly weak monster, but its shell is hard enough to withstand attacks from some A-class monsters. From that fact, Matthew wanted to make sure that all protective head gear for jobs centered on building and mining. Thankfully, just last week the last of the quotas for the hardhats were met, so there was one more item to check off of Matthew's list for Paradise's safety checklist. I thought he was joking with me when he first brought up his safety requirements, but once I saw the order list he sent to the blacksmiths, full of things like bright orange leather armor for the hunters to not accidentally attack each other in the forests when looking for game, or face masks with small magical devices to create a small wind barrier for the botanists and farmers. So, they don't breathe in any harmful substances from the plants or manure they come into contact with. Of course, this also included protective gloves to make sure they don't absorb anything in through their skin, which I didn't even know that was a risk, but he explained it was the same for something like rubbing lotion on a person's skin. I was surprised at how he was able to connect these things, since I've never heard of something like that, even when dealing with different business owners in Atheis.

" What would you like to know, Lady Emily?"

 I pushed those memories to the back of my mind as I finally walked up to old man Frank. He seemed ready to do what I asked of him, though I couldn't tell if that was because of who I am, or the fact that Ruby was right next to me glaring at him.

" Harold told us while moving here that you found several other spots that seem to connect to the spring that is currently shooting out of the wall."

" Yes, Ma'am. What would you like us to do with them?"

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